27. Doom Moon - Part 1

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Flora watched the humongous metal moon like it would explode any second.

"Isn't it great? We will show the terrorists not to mess with us!" Jake glowed with pride.

Frantically, Flora tried to remember the Star Wars movies but then gave up. In too many of them were death stars, and none of them survived the whole trilogy.

"Aidan, we are going to look for escape routes. Map every path and learn the fastest way to space ship hangars. Hopefully, they provide escape pods."

The scene shifted again. A cute blue bipedal elephant stood before Flora.

"I'm the forewoman of your shift, Elma Phen. Touch this crystal, dear."

Elma carried a clipboard, and Flora stared at it. When you are on a doomed star in the middle of space, and an elephant is talking to you, your brain latches on the things you can understand. Flora understood clipboards very well.

"Hey! Doom Moon to Flowing Flowers! Touch that crystal, granny."

"Sure, sure." Flora got a grip on herself.

Permission to transmit following stats to Elma Phen:

Magical regeneration: 25 OV

Mechanics: 19 OV

Electronics: 12 OV

Smithing: 0 OV


"Nice reg. Have you worked on turrets before?"


"Now, you will."

Elma pressed four jacks and a package into Flora's hand.

Quest completed: Enlist as a technician on the Doom Moon

Difficulty: E

Rating: D

Then the scene changed again.

Next, Flora stood in front of three robots. One looked like the child of a fire hydrant and R2D2, one like the chimera of a spider and Thing T. Thing from Adams family and the last one like a fork lifter transformer.

"Um, hi?"

The hydrant chirped, the spider snapped its fingers, and the transformer buzzed.

"Milady, you have to insert the jacks into your nocks first."

"Every decade they get crazier with edits in movies. You think switching from scene to scene every minute is confusing, think again! In five years, they will make scenarios with only a few seconds between each switch!" Flora sighed and smiled. She had needed that rant!

After inserting the nocks, she opened the package. It contained what she identified as a greenish uniform, a goldfish bowl, a portable gaming system, and a tool that looked like it belonged to a dentist specializing in the care of whales.

First, she equipped the uniform. The belt spotted besides an indention the size of the console, a clasp for the tool. So she put them there.

 So she put them there

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