38. Robo-Melee Crafting

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Flora wasn't in the mood to do martial arts, but she still beamed to the Seven Masters Dojo. In the Doom Moon scenario, she realized how much the courses had helped her to react to attacks.

She still had frozen at first, but who knew how she would have fared without any combat experience? Maybe she would have googled if it was a crocodile type of beast or an alligator type while it gnawed at her tights before retaliating?

Therefore attending the courses was paramount, at least until she got used to being in mortal peril.

She just wished for a more appropriate weapon. She bet that she wouldn't freeze if she had the option to hit someone with a handbag or a walking stick.

Maybe she could make one of those fancy canes, where the pommel is the hilt of her plasma sword? If she created the staff out of something combustible, she wouldn't even need a release mechanism.

"Aidan, remind me to build a walking stick. Prio A."

On the other hand, it would get in the way while free-running, which was not a design-error, because people who needed canes didn't do parkour usually.

When Flora entered the classroom for Beginner-2 Jiu-Jitsu, she froze. There was Teacher Clowdy again! She marched to her. 'Enough is enough!'

"Coach Clowdy, don't overwork yourself!" Flora lectured. "Have some free-time, go to the beach, meet some friends! Teaching day in and day out can't be good for you!"

"Yeah, especially not teaching noisy old women who shouldn't poke their noses in other people's lives!"

"It is the right and duty of the older generation to spread their wisdom!" Flora smirked. Of course, she knew that it was none of her business, but she got age privilege!

"And it is my right and duty to teach this *bleep*ing lesson. Get in line, auntie. We are starting."

Flora snorted but joined the other students.

After Wing Tsun, she went to the Ring-Time.

First, she participated in a Wing Tsun match, then in a Jiu-Jitsu fight. She won both.

After two more fights, which she all won, she reflected on her success.

Where the opponents easier? Maybe now that she had two belts, all those crouching tigers and hidden dragons of the 0-1 belt category weren't in the lot. Or did she get better at martial arts?

Not only did she kill several monsters, but she also experienced a lot of fights of Mnoder, which had sharpened her instincts.

Or maybe it was just luck. Flora shrugged and left the compound.

A daily quest that fit wonderfully in her plans awaited her at the Garage.

Quest: Motor and Engine (the Garage)

Description: Build something with a motor. Bonus: It should move.

Rewards: Reputation

Penalty: none

Difficulty: D

Flora still had the weekly quest open and wanted to use it to get more familiar with robots. Especially with using motors mana efficiently.

Weekly Quest: Robo Melee

Description: Build a robot to fight in the battle royal on Saturday Two. Details: Use only the provided materials worth max. 1000 credits.

Rewards: Reputation with the Garage and prizes for placement.

Penalties: None

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