62. Tigressa Flamante and Ranking

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MiaMyMio, Eddie, and Flora set around the overburdened picnic table.

The sun was setting, coloring the roof garden in the earthy tones of the evening light. Blue glowing mana-generators at the edges of the garden and two fire elementals added to the illumination.

After Flora's question about Tigressa Flameante, Eddie rolled his eyes at her for bringing up business at the dinner table, but Mia was willing to answer.

"Ressa is the leader of Squat 2-1 and one of the pillars of the PvP-team. Also, she is the girlfriend of our boss, but I guess you know that."

"I wish she was only his girlfriend!" Flora mumbled.

"Her class-tree is that of a typical beastmaster ranger with gun-fu for melee, but she added some fire-power. I mean that literally, she went for the fire shot."

"Ew, too many terms I don't understand, dear." Flora sighed. "Beastmaster? Ranger? Gun-Fu? Fire Shot? If these are classes, then my AIs can explain them to me, and you don't have to."

"Yes. Notable is especially the beastmaster class in her case. She tamed the big boss, Ahoncartyhr, of the level 50 raid dungeon. There are millions of beast tamers, but I would guess less than one percent acquired an S rated pet."

Eddie whistled, and Flora was impressed against her will.

"At least Robby didn't select a slouch."

Mia shrugged non-committal. Intrigued, Flora kept digging until Mia caved.

"To tame a boss, you have first to know the specific method. You can't just use the usual 'pummel the animal to submission' approach. All animal bosses have a hidden way to tame them. The technique for Ahoncartyhr leaked from server one. Hence she didn't come up with it herself. The beastmaster cats of prey faction held a competition for the champion position. She competed against the guy from server one and Khan KitKat and came in last. Even more humiliating, after server three opened, another player tamed Ahoncartyhr, and she reached again only the last place."

Mia had a steady way of speaking, and Flora couldn't judge whether she was as unimpressed as her voice sounded or just calm.

"To sum it up, you might have a harder time killing the tiger than her."

"The Blade-Roller-Extreme is S rated, too. Are robots worse pets than animals?" Flora was insulted by the possibility!

"No. The rating just says how much mana-regen you can put into the pet. The Robot-Melee restricts the players to one socket in the Tier-1 League. Therefore five mana-regen is the maximal investment, and it results in weak robots. During my duel, Ressa put 30 mana regeneration into Ahoncartyhr, which gave him the powers and stats of a Sergeant."

Because Flora was still traumatized by the fight against Ice-Master Esau, who was a Sergeant too, she inquired about the Recommended Group Size of the tiger. Thankfully, Mia assured her player pets were limited to an RGS of 1.

"But Ressa is over level 200, though she said something about dueling me at level 1. What kind of advantages does she get out of it compared to regular level 1 players?" While speaking, Flora summoned another fire elemental. She had unused mana regeneration after disconnecting from the robots.

"In the Cetviwos, you get squeezed down to the max level of the zone. This mechanic plays a huge role in the political structure of the worlds."

Hearing the word 'political', Flora had to fight to keep her attention on Mia. She hated politics and usually stopped listening to such topics.

"On the kiddie server, the max level is 100. That means you only have 300 attribute points. You can't compete when you have three level-100 attributes or one level-100 and one level-200. If you have a very solid built, you might get a dungeon rating of B if you are lucky. I said lucky because if you were skilled, you would train for higher attributes."

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