19. Trick-Animations

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After the martial arts class, Flora beamed to the Riverstones HQ.

The toxic waste was a tier 1 material, that meant someone fed it to the printer. It wasn't part of the standard material selection, and most importantly, the amount was limited.

Flora bought the 150 kg left in the printer and fashioned some sheets out it. While working, she had to drink health potions and cast Refresh regularly to offset the debuffs. She didn't deem it possible or at least practical to calculate the perfect amount of toxic waste because her defense attributes and resistances rose to fast. Additionally, Flora didn't want to repeat the process every day. So she created tracks for Aidan to push the sheets away from the coffin or towards it. The mana consumption of the coffin rose because of this, but Aidan gave her a useful tip. You could hook up devices to the mana grid. The system granted you ten mana per minute free, above that you had to pay.

"I'm not paying utility bills in a game! Aidan, add building a generator to my ToDo-List!"

Still, she integrated a plug for the grid in the coffin.

When putting her assorted equipment back in her inventory, she noticed that the free slots had dwindled. Of course, she carried around a lot of junk, ordinary people would have gotten rid of, like the marbles, old versions of the mech-suite and used dishes. She discovered that she even had Mr. Twitchy's gun from the bank robby adventure.

Instead of putting her collection in the trash-bin or 3D printer, she tested if she could store crates in her inventory. That worked, but she couldn't access the items in the containers directly but had to pull out the box and then look for the object in it manually.

A few tests later, she figured out the maximal size of a container to still fit into one inventory slot: 3x3x3 meter. Conveniently the blueprint section had shipping containers in the right dimension for sale. Instead of building a crate herself in half an hour, she bought the blueprint and took 15 minutes to airbrush the container that it looked like a treasure chest. Though, she was conflicted about wasting money to buy a crate. 'Maybe it would have taken even longer than half an hour if I had the urge to get sophisticated with the door and locks.'

Back in her apartment, she set up the new coffin.

"Aidan, here is the training strategy when I'm asleep. Train as many of my attributes as possible with an emphasis on the magic stats. Use the toxic waste debuffs for holding my health low. When it's not enough, use poison, only activate the tasers when you need them. Cast 'Refresh' as often as possible. If you have mana to spare, cast 'Magic Pull'."

"Yes, Milady!"

"When I'm working, reserve 20% of the mana-pool for my use and work with the rest. Oh, and mana I get from potions or the battery is for my use as well! And take notes when you notice room for optimization."

"Yes, Milady. I recommend that you activate the Agility Boost for your nap. Boosts level slower than other mana-skills, and they raise the training efficacy for that stat."

"Very good." Flora nodded.

"May I now remind you of the items on your ToDo-List, Milady?"

"No, thank you. My nap is overdue. We go over it first thing in the morning. Maybe second, I will check my growth first."

To clear the slate, Flora sped through the notifications. Her magical power, physical vigor, and metal affinity grew significantly. Nothing else stood out, so she could finally take her nap. Only then she realized that she still had no bed. In the marketplace, she found a tier 1 white queen-sized bed that looked just right.

Name: Dream well, Sweetheart

Type: Bed

Effects: + 5 OV to both regenerations while sleeping

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