46. Plans

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"I have to admit, I feel stressed out," Flora said to her AIs while flipping over a park bench.

Today's quest in Tricky Beach demanded her to jump over obstacles.

"Furnishing the cathedral, leveling up the printer, building the class tree, giving Aitoshuri a body aka having a robot helper, preparing for the hero entrance, saving Jake, my dailies ... I want to read some books, especially on runes. There is something in the back of my mind nagging that they are important. I haven't even looked at my ToDo-list for a while because I don't have time for it!"

She kicked off a ramp, spun in the air around her vertical and horizontal axis, flying over a flower beet. Because she landed transversal to her momentum, she finished the move with a safety roll.

"Should we go over the ToDo-List now, Milady?"

"No!" Flora hopped on a rail, sloping down a flight of stairs. "Or Yes? I mean, why not? I'm already overstrained. One more toast won't short-circuit the toaster! Just rattle it down, dear."


- A - Build a generator - A - Leveling swimming and climbing - A - Build a mech-suit with a self-destruct button - B - Research the standard HUD settings. - B - The advantage of having a pet and figure out if you can have machines like toasters as pets. - B - Research beginner tips, especially recommendation on what you should shortly do after you enter the Metaworld and before you enter the Cradle. - B - We need a robot arm for you to help out - C - Find a way to hurt Flora - C - Find a way to train while doing other stuff - C - Test if it is really impossible to modify items from the shop - C - Look into Tennis for amending the Rainbow intensity - C - Sponsored activities: Coke - C - Smaller chest for tunnels with essentials - C - What are runes? - C - Add a one-directional valve on the mouthpiece that no water can enter - C - Build a Walking stick - D - Bully Robby into letting Flora have a spin in a toaster. - D - Figure out a way to do magic in the training-coffin - E - The price of stamina potions. "

"That doesn't look bad. Most of the things were already on my mind. I forgot about the Tennis-Skin. Remind me to amend the Rainbow-Intensity-Meter and print some sacks and small boxes as soon as we come home. I'm sick of searching for stray micro parts in the large chests. In the last scenario, I gathered several plasma swords and multitools. If I had put them in separate boxes, I would have an easier time puzzling them together."

Flora vaulted over a wall and ran up a second wall as high as she could. Then she pushed off, doing a backflip, landing on the smaller fence she just had crossed. With flapping her arms, she balanced herself and looked down.

"I had aimed to jump over it, but landing on the wall is actually more awesome. I bet I wouldn't get it right if I tried, at least not on the first attempt."

Butterfly-Kicking off the edge, she arrived at the ground again and resumed running.

"Let's look at from the perspective of deadlines. I prioritized the skin because it's a business opportunity. They fly away if you don't feed them. The only hard deadline we are facing is the quest from Evailyn on Monday. I just have to arrive at her temple. I don't want to jinx it, but it seems doable with a minimum of prep."

"Take the next street on the right, Milady."

Turning sharply, Flora touched the walls of the alleyway, before reaching for a low hanging rail. First, she just hung from it, and then she started swinging gently, enjoying the motion.

"The plan still contains to do a Hero's Entry at the Cradle on Sunday. So what do we need for that?"

"People posted lists for the Hero's Entrance in the forums, Milady. Should I read you the most popular one?"

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