9. Central Bank Robby

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Flora felt as if someone seized her nose and pulled her through a tornado by it. Before she could analyze what was happening, it was already over, and she found herself in a warehouse.

While she oriented herself, a blue box appeared:

You entered the scenario 'Central Bank Robbery'.

This scenario was not started by your party.

You may choose one quest option:

Option 1: Quest 'Join the CB robbery':

Join the main party and raid the Central Bank.

Difficulty: A

Possible rewards: Fame and fortune

Possible penalties: Reputation loss with CB, prison time

Option 2: Quest 'Law and Order CB':

Prevent the heist and apprehend the gangsters.

Difficulty: A

Possible rewards: Reputation gain with CB, Money

Possible penalties: Nothing, getting implicated in the Crime (see above)

'Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I want money from the bank but not like this. How can I exit?'


"This zone doesn't support beaming."

"Exit scenario!"

Nothing happened.

"Abort mission!"

The doors of a black minivan opened and four people ran towards her. One even pointed a small gun at her. Flora held up her hands reflexively.

"What are you doing here?" the tallest of them, a black-haired guy with a Mediterranean complexion, yelled in a french accent.

"Well, it was an accident." Flora was out of her depth on how to explain the situation. Therefore she kept it simple. "A piano fell on my son."

"Let's shoot her!" a wiry guy yelled. His twitchy gun hand made Flora nervous.

"Don't be *bleep*ing stupid, *bleep*head!" hissed a blond woman with arching eyebrows. "When she respawns she will call the cops on us!"

"And whose fault is she ever landed here?" the twitchy guy interjected. "Didn't Chef tell you to change the scenario name to something unique?"

"Central Bank Robby instead of Central Bank Robbery is pretty unique!" Mrs. Bitchy snapped back.

Mr. Twitchy and Mrs. Bitchy had french accents aswell.

"I choose Option 2," Flora said. 'Because I must stop all Frenchman, I mean robbers, I must stop all robbers!'.

"What option two?" the tall one asked.

"You will let me go, of course!" Flora improvised. "I don't know your names, so I have nothing to tell the police. I don't even have a mobile to call them.'

"Can't you read?" the chubby fourth girl asked chewing gum. She pointed on her massive chest, where a badge was attached.

Flora focused on the badge.

Nickname: Bubble-Gum Bubble-Fairy
Level: 2
Class: Driver
Clan: StrikerDesHauteurs

"Oh, thanks, that's helpful." Then Flora checked the other badges, and the gang continued berating each other.

Mrs. Bitchy:

Nickname: Violoniste DeDestruction
Level: 3
Class: Robber
Clan: StrikerDesHauteurs

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