15. Trick Beach

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"Ma? It's Robby. Sorry about earlier. Saturdays and Sundays are the busiest times for the company." Robby contacted Flora telepathically.

"It's alright, dear. Lana was kind enough to show me around."

Robby revealed that he thought Flora was in a huff because she didn't react to the welcome messages in the guild chat. Of course, that was the first thing Flora heart about the existence of the guild chat, and they cleared up the misunderstanding.

Flora had no patience of nonsensical text messages and chitchat spamming her vision and ordered Aidan to monitor all the communication in the background for conversations concerning her or directed at her.

"I'm currently at the Seven Masters Dojo coaching a client in the weakly tournament and thought about your killer instincts. Martial arts is great for channeling discipline into instincts. The dojo offers not only classes but lot's of events we could attend together."

Flora laughed. That little rascal knew too well how to manipulate her. "I will check it out."

"Lana told me you didn't make it to the gym during the welcome tour. Check out the Riverstones training facilities as well. You don't have to train your main attributes to 25 like my crew, but if you reach 15 or 20, the Cradle world will be much easier."

Flora frowned, all her stats disregarding magical perception were above 15 LV, but only physical regen was above 25 OV. "Do you mean operative value or level value?"

"Level value, of course! Training to 25 OV would take weeks if not months!" Robby laughed. "Only the most hardcore gamers go that far."

"All right," Flora smirked. That boy didn't know the half of it, and she left it like this. Only her magical power, macro-control, and perception were beneath 25. 'I set it aside for taking him a notch down when he thinks he is high above his old mama!'

"Don't take it too lightly, Ma! Attribute level values are important because of the milestones. Though they are not as essential as skill levels and you can compensate for them with proper equipment. But if you want to play the Cetviwos games, you will have more fun."

"Sure, sure, darling. You don't have to worry about me." Meanwhile, Flora had left the losers' corner and was exploring the town. "I have a request and maybe a boon for you. Monday One at 8 o'clock I will meet with the Cetviwos representatives. Something fishy is going on; they treat me too well and want to meet too fast."

Flora told him that the CAD-System she used was some alpha-test for the system. Therefore her account had differences, for example, the irregular starter inventory and the already existing bank account. Robby added the HUD settings to the list. The chats were visible as default.

Flowing Flowers to Aidan: "Remind me to research the standard HUD settings. Who knows what I'm missing."

"I don't know what they did or took from me, but I guess it has something to do with either my inventions or my old AI, Evai. Nonetheless, I want to be ready to get some compensation. I thought it wouldn't be too greedy if it were not in real money but Cetviwos money or boons. Half of it is yours, so prepare a list with goodies worth around 5000 Euros and a core list worth 1000 Euros."

"Great, Ma! I will look into it. By the way, the Cetviwos Shop sells a fountain which reminded me of the picture in your living room."

"I did design this fountain in the CAD-System! But I got money from the store on my balance sheet, so I don't think this is the reason they act like they have a guilty conscience."

After all, animators were as cheap as cheese-toast, they could acquire designs of fountains by just promising the designers to pin their name on a corner. Flora granted a higher probability to that it had something to do with Evai.

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