2.35 SBAT - Effects

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The fairy awaited Flora when she exited the test.

"Is it possible to take a break between the different tests, dear?" Flora asked. She had to admit that she only half-assed the support scenario and made mistakes because of her tiredness.

"Yes, of course. However, the accuracy of the predictions will sink when the examinee progresses in the meantime, so you have to finish the quest within a week."

"Excellent!" Flora checked the time with Aidan's help. "We have time for one or two short tests. Anything that can be finished within 20 minutes and without a + OV bonus to achieve?"

"The Single Target versus Area of Effect and the Direct Effects versus Effects over Time tests are in the same dome. With time dilation, you can take both."


Single Target versus Area of Effect

1. Single Target

In which party role would you like to take the test?


"Ranged Damage Dealer."

First, Flora encountered the fluffy pink monster with vicious claws again. Thankfully, she wasn't the masochist on duty and could fire at it from a comfortable distance, targeting its weak spots.


2. AoE

In which party role would you like to take the test?


"Ranged DD again."

A zombie horde attacked the fortification Flora knew from the Attribute test, so she just reenacted her performance with Hail and Lightning Storm.


Would you like to see the result or try another party role?


Flora felt ambiguous. The zombies were disgusting, but they also looked fun to slaughter.

"Alright. Give me a huge sword, and I'll do the AoE phase as a Melee DD."

The test granted Flora's wish, and she mowed through the zombie horde, cackling.

Unsurprisingly, the test rated Flora's fun higher for the AoE part.


Direct Effects versus Effects over Time


Three dummies appeared. One to Flora's left, one to Flora's right, and one in front of her. All of them ten meters away.


The goal is to uphold the "poisoned" debuff on all of them for five minutes while generating a high amount of damage.

Are you ready to start?


"Wait! What?"


With your wood elemental spells, you can apply a debuff on opponents.

The test starts as soon as every dummy is poisoned and will stop if the five minutes run out or one of the dummies doesn't have any poison on him.

Are you ready to start?


"No. I have to consult my AIs first." Frowning, Flora opened her skill tab. "So, what spells do we have that apply the poison effect?"

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