20. ToDo-List

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"Alright Aidan, I'm ready for the ToDo-List. Hit me!" Flora exclaimed cheerfully. "We will prioritize the issues first and then work through them from lowest to highest."

"Yes, Milady! 1. Reclaim Flora's workshop."

"Done! Delete it!"

"2. Find a way to hurt Flora."

"We made progress, but we can do better. Priority C."

"3. Find a way to train while doing other stuff."

"The same as 2."

"4. Shopping- and Wishlist for the meeting with the lawyers."

"Priority A!"

"5. Bully Robby into letting Flora have a spin in a toaster."


"6. Experios: experiencing activities from the perspective of experts."

"Oh, right. I forgot about these. Make it a B."

"7.Research the standard HUD settings."


"8. The price of stamina potions."


"9. Build a toxic item."

"That was on the list? Oh, wow, delete it."

"10. The advantage of having a pet and figure out if you can have machines like toasters as pets."

"And is it possible to have toasters as pets?"

"Yes, Milady."

"A++++++++++++++! No! I will never get anything done if I start building a toaster pet. Make it A+++++. No! Make it A. Oh dear. B? You don't get me any lower than B!"

"Yes, Milady. Other pets are worth a look as well. For some pets, you have to build a relationship with them and train them. So it is advantageous to get one as soon as possible. Many guides recommend pets for inexperienced gamers, because they act, even if the player is unable to cope."

"Very good. Next."

"11. Figure out a way to do magic in the training-coffin."

"Hmm. We have a rudimentary way to do magic, but we can expand it. D."

"12. Build a generator."

"That's another big project. Make it C."

"That's it, Milady."

"Add with a B priority: research beginner tips, especially recommendation on what you should do shortly after you enter the Metaworld and before you enter the Cradle. Let's start processing the issues. Always start with the highest priority."

"A - Shopping- and Wishlist for the meeting with the lawyers."

Flora smiled and opened up the Cetviwos-Shop.

"Lair-Extension! Yes, are 300 m2 enough? Let's say 500 m2. Oh, they have factory halls! I want that! Let's make it three stories with a flat roof. I definitely want a roof garden. First floor 500 m2 factory hall. How tall should the ceiling be, Aidan? Is there a typical size for mega-robots?" Flora happily rambled while piling items on her wishlist.

She skipped home decoration, except the fountain she designed a few years ago, a pool, a jacuzzi, and a gym, but dove deep into the home utility part:

four generator models (two of each) a couple of signal extensions for AIsa robot specialized for transporting good, one for gardening and one for cookinga carriage systemthe greatest stat boosts for regeneration

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