2.85 Tutorial Tower - Part 5

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The 18th floor featured a demonologist in the B-rated room.

Infernal Domain Suppression: -1 OV Domain Handicap. – 1 HP per minute.

As soon as the sarge summoned fire-spitting imps, Flora, Aito, and Golemtoasterwithnocksandconsciousness focused them down. Because Flora wanted the Infernal Resistance, the Mover did bully the summoner with minimal damage.

After a minute or two, the imps grew in size, and their rating increased to D.

Flora checked the boss's health, but it was still more than 90%. "Any theories why this is happening? Please check the timing, the number of imps we have killed, and the exact health of the boss."

"It happened 1 minute and 12 seconds into the fight. We have killed ten imps, and the boss had 92% health. That's approximately 48k HP, Milady."

"So this is the 11th summon. It would make sense that the sarge levels his skill with use. Let's try not killing the imp." Flora baited the demon away from the summoner.

The imp had reddish scaled skin and clawed at Flora with his talons. Now and then, he flapped his leathery wings, rose above the auntie's head, and belched out a fireball.

"Snuggle attack!" Flora yelled and grabbed the imp's arm. Turning her hips, she threw him over her shoulder and pounced on the demon. "My Jiu-Jitsu is getting rusty. I need the practice." She admitted while locking up the poor monster.

*growl growl growl* Said the demon.

*beheheheheep* Aito laughed.

"Do you understand him?"

*beep* (Of course) "He said, he will report you to the demon union for harassment."

"What do you prefer, getting harassed or getting killed?" Flora hissed.

*grooowl*! (Killed!)

Flora understood that without a translation, which made it even more insulting. On the other hand, you couldn't expect a demon to be well mannered or tempered, just or grateful. Or could you? "Are demons inherently evil? Can they be redeemed?"

Flora felt Tollynollster space out, lost in the field of good and evil that some call life.

*growl grunt growl* (I'm totally evil! And a liar!)

Aspirated, Flora increased the pressure of her chokehold. That demon had too much air to spout nonsense. Poor Towoky froze. His desperate tries to untangle the paradox spilled over the link.

"Milady, the demonologist is summoning again. Exactly 25 seconds went by after the last spell."

"Alright, then we have our rhythm." Flora pressed the carotid artery of the imp, but she couldn't commit to it. It was one thing to punch someone out or hurl skills. Killing while snuggling was too close for her comfort. She sprang up and kicked the demon's head before raining spells on him until he perished. Taking a deep breath, she attacked the freshly summoned imp next.

To reduce the amount of experience for the summoner and subsequent rating increases, the team killed the D-rated demons at the end of the summoning CD.

The next hurdle was the 50% special ability, a buff for the imp. The situation worsened after the sarge enraged and summoned its first C-rated demon, a hellhound. It jumped, already enraged, out of the ritual circle.

Thankfully, Flora and Gaccu were used to heal and defend, so the team could handle it.

The floor boss sat on a pillow, meditating. Flora couldn't figure out their gender because of their smooth bronze face and bulky robes.

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