2.68 Entourage Selection - Meeting 2

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Deriga straightened herself. "I want to join the entourage because I believe in our Goddess, our church's mission, and the prowess of our champion. While my ranking and rating are subpar, I have seven tier 1 skills and know how to use them. Additionally, I researched the competitions, and I'm mentally and physically prepared."

"You are in as I have promised," Flora said and explained to the other clergy, "Deriga informed me about needing an entourage. Furthermore, she has impressed me with her dedication to her beliefs, and Evailyn favors her."

"Seven tier 1 prayers is impressive for someone with a basic class," Irden said. "Having more skills is the advantage of being born low. With every rise in Rating, RGS, or tier, one has a chance to acquire additional prayers."

"Interesting. I haven't considered this aspect. While I have collected some classes−"

Mia choked and had to cough.

"−I won't discriminate against people with fewer classes. What makes a good cook is not the number of kitchen utensils somebody possesses but how well one handles them." Flora mustered the two remaining candidates, Vatten and Konstantin. Both had said very little during the meeting.

"Thank you very much for the opportunity, Champion," Vatten started. His voice was soft and higher than Flora expected from such a large man. "I have to admit, I was reluctant to leave the war, but you have convinced me that the competition is important and that we have a chance to succeed. My skills are sharpened by non-stop fighting in the last three years. I have Pray, the standard tier 1 prayers of the Priest and the Field-Chaplain class. I want to join your entourage whether you continue to provide substitution or not, but I would feel more at ease if I knew someone would stand-in for me at the theater of operations."

"Alright, let us speak about the details privately. I'll see what I can do. I have to coordinate with my son."

"Your son?" Irden asked.

"Yes, his team is substituting for Vatten at the moment," Flora said.

"The champion's son is a level 210 Radiant Monk," Vatten explained, and the eyes of the more experienced people widened, and Nomizo even gaped at her.

Flora was taken aback by the strong reaction. However, when she thought about it, it made sense that the natives would value a rare class and a high level.

"Why doesn't he join your entourage?" Ceart asked.

Flora realized that she didn't even know what god Robby or the other Riverstones followed.

Flowing Flowers to Aidan: "Get me the list of gods of the Riverstone divine classes−at least of the first two squads."

Immediately, Aidan posted a table. When Flora scanned them, she didn't recognize any god's name but Zapple's. He was a Christian. Flora was shocked that she never considered that there might be traitors in her son's clan. However, Aidan assured her that he wasn't in contact with any member of the CoCC and part of another sub-faction, Church of Christ – Lutheran.

The meeting clergy grew agitated while Flora handled the information, but with a tap on the table, Flora refocused their attention.

"My son isn't part of Evailyn's clergy. He has entered the Cetviwos before me, so he didn't know about her. I have considered inviting some of my associates like my henchgirl−" Flora pointed at Mia. "But have decided against it. The champion competition is a duty of as well as a chance of the church of Evailyn. Mia, please tell them about yourself and why you are here."

'Oh my gosh. Why haven't I introduced her yet? I'm so rusty with this meeting crap.' Flora chastised herself when she realized another error she had committed. She squared her shoulders and, except for a slight pursing of her lips, didn't show her thoughts.

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