2.43 Consolidation

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Aidan updated Flora on the invaders.

They were all members of NightBash, a clan for hire if you wanted to kill another player. Although they had no direct connection to the SwordOfMichael, their services were open to the highest bidder, so that didn't exclude the CoCC as culprits.

The invaders were between level 23 to level 89. Aito could only get additional information about the paladin, the shield-warrior, and the mech-suit operator.

The paladin, Brave Bandaid, had won two prestigious healing competitions on Sports and Boards and ranked high in the 3versus3 PvP A-league together with the shield-warrior.

The mech-suit operator, Notalady Ironfist, was level 49 and dominated the single-player PvP circles of the tier 2 A-league and had the qualifications to enter the S-league. Although she was in a 3v3 team, it wasn't as successful as the paladin's.

Flora opened up a video conference with the invaders.

Currently, the song Cotton Eye Joe was blasting out of the sound system. Half of Flora's guests sat listlessly on the floor. The redhaired mage danced in the background or had an epileptic episode; Flora wasn't familiar with what moves counted as dancing for the kids these days. Brave Bandaid and Notalady Ironfist faced the camera standing. The black man looked collected, but the opaque helmet prevented Flora from inspecting the mech-suit operator.

Flora nodded to them and lowered the volume.

The paladin flushed red and looked at his feet.

Although Flora was curious about the mech-suit operator's face, she didn't plan to force her to reveal her countenance. After watching the fight's replay, Flora's anger at the humiliation of being used as a doormat had reduced. The mech-operator did what she had to do. All was fair in love and war. Flora was impressed with the fighting style and tenacity of the woman. She was one of the most difficult opponents Flora had faced.

While Flora inspected the bunch, they started to fidget. Some blushed, the female rogue gaped at her, and the mage fell down, only the Notalady Ironfist remained stoic.

After the silence grew awkward, Flora figured out the problem. She had forgotten to don a bathing suit. To make up for the (over)sight, she decided to be nice and take the first step.

"I thought you wanted to negotiate. Do you have anything to offer?" Flora asked. Her tone was kinder than her words.

With difficulty, Bandaid raised his eyes to meet hers. "We'll give you 100 VirDos per person for our immediate release."

Flora pondered the offer while playing with the water of the Jacuzzi. If you compared the money to her wealth, the amount was laughable. If you would ask yourself how much money would you pay not to hear the playlist for another 11 hours, it was also too low. However, around 70 Euros for beating up some kids and 15 min of repair work was pretty good.

"Aidan, how much does the toxic waste cost? I want to refit the turrets with it and have a few other ideas."

"1.2 VirDos or 3200 Credits per kilo, Milady. The price has risen due to the low supply. Clan Riverstones must have bought up everything for the Training Hut."

"I want 1000 kg of toxic waste," Flora demanded from the NightBash members. "Or a similar higher-tiered substance."

After the haggled a bit back and forth, they agreed on 500 kg of toxic waste and 1000 multitools from the Groom the Doom Moon scenario.

Flora had neglected her quest to find more followers for Evailyn, but promised to do better the next days. She sent a link to the Multitool-Scepter-Shield of the Goddess Evailyn to the paladin. "This could be yours if you convert to Evailyn. With the ability to repair mech-suits via prayers, you can bring your teamwork with Notalady to a new level."

Auntie toasts the VRMMORPGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें