64. Batticle Modification

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Flora shook her head. She refused to believe it was impossible to connect the Gun-Arrangement with the primary system.

"Mia, let's take your baby into my workshop."

When they entered Flora's flat, Mia's jaw fell to the floor. Her eyes darted between the turrets on the walls, to the Training Coffin, then to the H-Wing cockpit and back.

"This is part of my exercise regimen. I let my AI train me while I sleep and work. Grab a jack from Haidan. He will explain to you how it works." Flora said before logging into the workshop.

While waiting for Mia's arrival, Flora browsed the bulletin boards for information about the Gun-Arrangement XD23DI. She found out it was a common drop from a boss in a 25 person instance.

'How can you drop a massive gun array repeatedly? He calls himself a boss and can't mount his weapons securely! Maybe I should sell the boss my help or at least some helper robots to bolt the arrangement down.'

The comment section was full of complaints about the difficulty of integrating it with batticles. Someone mentioned the big clans hogged the knowledge about the process for themselves. The note confirmed Flora's suspicion: it was possible, just a bit tiresome.

Finally, Mia arrived. Her mouth was still open and opened even more when she inspected the workshop.

"Heaven and Hell! That is the most groovy workshop I have ever seen!" Her voice was steady, and she moved her body in a circle for a complete survey. "Do you have every update?"

"Yes, another perk you get when you discover, CentralTank integrated your ideas without asking."

When Mia gave Flora the batticle, she added a contract.

"It's important to always specify for what reason and how long you give someone something in the Cetviwos. If you say nothing, the ownership gets transferred, and if your business contact doesn't play nice, it's bothersome to get the item back. In this case, the worth of the piece is more than 1000 VirDos. Without a contract, it would appear on your 'questionable transactions'-list, and every time someone reviews it, you have to answer the same questions about how you got it from whom and whether real-life money was involved in it. They do it, even though they can see from the logs that someone repaired or modded it and just gave it back to the original owner."

"Thank you for the advice. The problem crossed my mind earlier today when the bishop inspected the scepter. Fortunately, it was intended for the church. I don't think she would have given it back." Flora scanned the contract and signed it. "By the way, feel free to play with my toys while I tinker. Just don't mess with my unfinished projects."

With her feet dangling out the cockpit, Flora opened the console and looked at the innards of the Knight-Skater. After she loaded the analyzing tools, she mapped the functions of the auxiliary system and the primary and their interactions. Contrary to her assumption that it was a language problem, both systems used the same protocols.


Flora followed the wires to the mana-transformer. It supported six connections a la 5 mana per minute. Immediately after the transformer, the wires split into different directions. One bundle went to the guns, the others to the batticle.

Next, Flora looked at the control unit of the vehicle. It had the regular inputs like energy and user commands from the console and even sensor data, but only three types of outputs: One for the movement apparatus and one for the main-laser. After some searching, Flora found the destination of the third one. It controlled the headlights.

The controller of the guns got its input only from the two joysticks on the side and didn't connect to the central console. Its output went just to the eight weapons.

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