42. Doom Moon 3 - Escape

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Flora crouched on the floor.

Next to her lay Jake with his hand duct-taped to the statue.

Suddenly, Flora noticed the smell of herbs coming from Jake. His uniform was soiled with the spilled health potion.

Flora closed her eyes when Lady Mnoders steps came closer.

'Please, let her have a bad sense of smell!"

Mnoder passed them and entered the Energy-Storm chamber.

'Did I pack everything?'

Checking her inventory didn't help. Though she found the Stehaufmaennchen, she wasn't sure about how many empty vials she had before giving Jake the potions.

Flora pushed the panic down and steadied her breathing.

'This adventuring is too stressful! I could be designing some nice toaster instead of crouching behind a minotaur statue and having its butt in front of my face!'

The door opened again, and Mnoderer entered the room again.

'Did she get the call, or did she notice something amiss?'

Of course, Jake opened his eyes in just this moment. It had to be a talent!

Flora put her index finger over her lips, signaling him to be quiet. His mouth opened.


Suppressing the urge to slap him, she stood up.

"Yes, the repairs are looking very good! I believe we are finished!" Flora really believed that they were finished, but not with work, more with their lives!

"Who do we have here?" Lady Mnoder purred.

"Technician Flowers, Ma'am, and this is my colleague, Jake ..." Flora glanced at his badge. 'Wrong time not knowing the surname of your best friend in the world!'

Name: Jake Heavenstormer

Flora started coughing. This was too much!

Class: Technician

Level: 25

Rating: B

RGS: 3

"Well, well, well." Mnoder stalked towards them. "These are my quarters, and every repair request gets approved by me personally. I haven't ordered any repairs for a long time."

"Then, it was overdue." Flora nodded weakly.

"Unfortunately, I've got no time for games."

Flora couldn't be more familiar with Lady Mnoder's starting movement of brandishing her plasma sword.

Immediately, she sprang back.

"Jake is your son!"

'Hey it worked once, why not try it again.'

Two heads whipped from focussing on her to each other in an identical motion.

"Aren't family reunions just great! I always get teary-eyed by them. Come on, you two, hug!" Flora rambled. She broke easily from too much suspense. Her coping mechanism involved bad puns and absurd comments and sometimes horrendous designs.

"Your eyes!"

"I don't know you! My mother is dead!"

"No, your father is dead. I'm quite sure about it. I killed him extra thoroughly." Mnoder pointed to a statue. Flora winced. That was one of the most brutal. She beheaded the guy then halved his head. The two halves were even displayed.

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