58. Unusual high-grade AI

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Flora stared at the Administrator. His eyes were hidden behind reflective sunglasses, and the datastreams glowed on his midnight blue suit.

"Hello, Flowing Flowers. May I come right to the point?" The Administrator asked his standard question.

"No. Let's have a bit of small talk. How have you been?"

Flowing Flowers to Aidan: "Start recording."

"Fine. Thank you. Congratulations, following bug has been discovered by you:

Unusual high-grade AI mirror.

The bug will be fixed immediately, and your mirror in the Simulation Grounds will have the standard stand-in AI for users. You earned 100 VirDias for disclosing this exploit."

"Unusual high-grade AI? Nice formulation."

"Additionally, I have a non-disclosure agreement for you to sign. We offer you 100000 VirDos for keeping silent about the specifics of the unusual high-grade AI."

"What happens if I don't sign the agreement?"

"The matter will be delegated to our lawyers."

"I will consult with my attorneys and come back to you."

"I raise the offer to 200000 VirDos if you sign now."

"No, thank you."

"Our lawyers aren't the friendliest type."

"I know. I've met them."

"My last offer is 300000 VirDos."

"Alright, I can at least look at the contract. Maybe I fancy it." Flora added in her mind, 'And I get a nice video shot of the terms.'

Flora looked it over. She had only signed NDA's concerning technical development, but it was pretty similar.

Don't tell, don't imply, don't communicate in any way what you have seen, heard, or what you assume about the unusual high-grade AI.

What stood out was the outrageously breach of contract terms: She had to pay 5 million Euros for loose lips.

"I'm sorry I have to consult with my lawyers about this."

"Very well. The matter is out of my hands."

Suddenly, Eddie appeared in the workshop.

He brandished a saber and pointed it at the Administrator.

"You won't hurt my friend, scoundrel!" He exclaimed in the best theater manner. But then he paused. "Though you wear the most fabulous jacket I've ever seen!"

"This is the Administrator. He is the AI that handles the user interaction concerning exploits and bugs." Flora pointed to Eddie. "This is Eddie. He is part of my legal counsel and emotional support animal, I mean, he is my friend."

"And I'm a famous actor! If you kill me suddenly in my pod, reporters will ask questions!"

"Nobody talks about killing anyone." Flora said placatory, but then she looked at the emotionless face of the Administrator. "Right?"

"Of course, not. We have other methods to silence people."

"Doom, doom, doom, doooooom." Eddie hummed a spooky soundtrack. "You can't shut me up! Especially not about that jacket. What do you think, Flora?"

"It's great. I'll make you one. Sent me your favorite pattern, and I add the effects. What do you think about blue with silver data streams?"

"Excellent. Now that we have cleared up the important issues, it would help me if you would explain the rest of the situation."

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