2.32 SBAT - Party Role - Melee

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The Fireling charged to the smallest insectoid. As soon as Aito's arrow was big enough, Flora stormed after him.

Flora used Charge for the first time consciously and thoroughly enjoyed the rush, until she crashed into the target. In the last second, she protected her face, so only her elbows collided with the insect.

Smoothly, Flora came to a halt. Surprised by the gentle deceleration, she stared at the insect. It looked terrifying from this close.

The mantis-like creature had raised its arms in the air and snapped with the scythes at the tank. The triangular head sported glowing feelers and two uncanny, large eyes. It ended in pointy mandibles.

If it were just one monster, Flora wouldn't be as intimidated. But surrounded by five of them, all of them taller than her, and only accompanied by the unfamiliar Fireling, Flora felt unsafe.

Name: Yellow Mantisect Mender

Role: Healer

Level: 1

Rating: D

RGS: 5

Tentatively, she smacked the insect. First, her hits were more pokes than strikes, but when the mantis kept ignoring her, she gained confidence.

<Power Strike>!

Aito's arrow shrank as Flora's strikes intensified.

When the dagger girl suddenly appeared next to her, Flora shrieked. She was a bit startled but knew that her class was a sneaky one, and the Woodling could use stealth.

After a short struggle with herself, Flora designated the Fireling as her tank. It just wasn't in her to let skills lie idle, and the opponents were lined up perfectly for her breath skill.

<Transfere AoE>

<Lightning Breath>!

When the Mender died, the Fireling hit the next insectoid. It was taller than the first by a head, and its scythes doubled in length.

Name: Yellow Mantisect Slicer

Role: Melee DD

Level: 1

Rating: D

RGS: 5

The third melee mantis screeched, and a status effect appeared on Flora's HUD.

Battle Cry: Cowed: - 2 OV Physical and Magical Regeneration; Remaining Time: 10 sec.

'Oh, yeah? So, you call that a Battle Cry?'

"For the Toasters!" Flora screamed. <Battle Cry>

Battle Cry: Emboldened: + 5 OV Physical and Magical Regeneration; Doubled Regenariotion; Remaining Time: 10 sec.

Flora checked that none of the enemies targeted her and returned to smashing the Slicer, although she had to take two steps to reach it.

When Flora heard rustling behind her, her head whipped around. But it was only one of the ranged insects, which was repositioning itself. Flora had stood in its line of sight to the tank.


After they had killed the slicer, the Fireling ignored the third melee insect and went to the spike shooting ones.

"Is there a reason for the sequence of his targeting, Aidan?" Flora asked while she ran behind them.

"Yes, Milady. When you encounter groups, you kill them in the order of annoyance, which is usually Controller, Healer, Highest DD to lowest DD."

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