2.31 SBAT - Party Role - Damage Dealer

69 3 0

When Flora's party vanished, the pop up with the assessment for the Ranged DD test appeared.


Ranged DD Result

Damage: 99

Aggro Management: 95

Tactic Compliance: 93

Fun: 72

Contribution: 46 %: 92

Adherence: 99

Average: 92


Flowing Flowers is very suited as a ranged damage dealer.

The control over her companions is exceptional, or is it the other way around?

Suited Classes: Robot Handler, Tinkerer, Divine Companion, Animator, Summoner, Necromancer.


Flora chuckled, but Aito beeped angrily.

"What's up, dear? Not satisfied with your exceptional control over me?"

The AI highlighted the row with the 95 aggro management.

*farting beep*!

"I did my best, sweety."

*beep beep* *beep!*

"Oh, you don't feel the test judged our work correctly... hmm." Flora mused. "Dear test, could you elaborate on the assessment?"


Your damage was the highest ever recorded for a level 1 without the damage dealer class, but I subtracted a point because it was less than you could have done if you dared to go closer to the aggro limit.

With the help of your AI, you managed to stay under the hate of the tank, but I subtracted points because you would have failed terribly without their help, and you overdrew the aggro on the end of two fights. Your AI probably calculated the last one because she knew that the boss would fall within the time limit of Taunt. Therefore I only docked one point.

I subtracted points on tactic compliance because one switch to an egg took too long, and your turret didn't dodge the web, your elemental didn't attack the eggs, and you wasted seconds of Under My Command.

Although you had fun generally, you didn't enjoy the discipline necessary for aggro-control. When you play with better tanks, use the skills for aggro control, or when you level more (your stats will mellow out compared to other players), your satisfaction with the Ranged DD position might rise.

You contributed 79% of the damage, a bit of the aggro, removed a debuff from the tank, and healed him.

Besides one healing spell, you only used skills adhering to the Ranged DD role.

Robot Handler and Tinker are the number one suggestions because you can use your excellent AIs. Divine Companion and Necromancer because of your affinity for intent bases spells and weapons. Summoner and Animator because of your love for magic in general.


"Thank you! What a constructive explanation. Are you satisfied, Aito?"

*beep...* Aito agreed hesitantly.

"What is Under My Command? I thought the tank was admonishing me, but your capitalization reads like a skill."


Auntie toasts the VRMMORPGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon