10. Banking and getting an AI

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Flora landed in front of a grand building. The architects had delusions of grandeur or maybe wanted to win a bet how much precious materials like polished marble and gold they could stuff on one facade.

After entering, Flora saw the interior was designed in the same opulent style. The tellers were half-hidden behind a shimmering veil. Robby ignored it and walked straight to a booth.

When Flora passed the veil, the other tellers vanished, and only a blue-skinned woman in fancy business attire behind a single counter was in front of her.

"My mother, Flowing Flowers, wants to open an account."

The teller asked Flora to lay her badge on a glowing device and checked her screen. "You already have a registered account. Do you want to create an additional one?"

Flora wasn't surprised. She guessed it was another inherited feature from the CAD System. But she was excited to check her balance.


13.959,23 VirDos

614.299 Credits


2.375,50 VirDos from Huffgrin Skateboards and Active Wear

3.660,23 VirDos from Cetviwos-Shop - home decoration

7.923,50 VirDos from Cetviwos-Shop - workshop layout

614.299 Credits from Huffgrin Skateboards and Active Wear

"What's up with all the different currencies?" Flora complained. "I got something called VirDias aswell!"

The teller explained it to her. VirDias, the short form of Virtual Diamonds, is the currency of the Cetviwos Shop and worth around 0,1 Euros.

VirDos, the short form of Virtual Dollars, is the currency of the Metaworld and tourism worlds and worth around 0,1 Euros.

Dits, the short form of credits, is the currency of the Merc-Game and Space-Game and worth around 0,0001 Euros with intense fluctuations.

GC, SC, and CC, the short forms of gold, silver, copper coins, were the currency of the Kingdom Building-Game and no exchange was possible.

At Central Bank, you can exchange Euros and VirDos to a maximum of 100 Euros a day per direction.

At the Cetviwos Shop, you can change VirDos into VirDias or max 100 Euros per day into VirDias, one direction only.

At the Interplanetary Exchange Station, you can exchange VirDos and Credits."

"The hundred Euro rule is because of consumer protection and money laundry. The modern version of mobsters winning the lottery multiple times per year was the professional gaming star gangster. They funneled millions of illegally acquired funds into the game and exchanged it back as fruits of their excellent gaming." Robert explained. "The business world hates the hundred Euro rule because the Cetviwos are a growing market, and they want to invest in it heavily. Lobbying has been successful, and CentralTank and European Union came up with the courier system. The companies can hire couriers who get the money into the game for them with a standardized paper trail. This is where we need a favor from you, Ma."

"Sure, I play your courier." Flora agreed without being asked. "Just make sure, everything is kosher."

Flora wanted to give her whole limit to the boys, but they insisted on only 20 days per month until Flora knew how much she needed to enjoy herself in the Cetviwos. Without any hustle, they signed the contracts and arranged the transfers.

After that, Robby and Hub wanted to show Flora their clan and company, but Flora was exhausted and opted out. So they hit a supermarket for food and told her how to access her lair.

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