31. The Class System

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After the Trail of Words conjured Flora and Eddie two cinema seats, the movie started.

First, the movie explained all the settings of the heads up display (HUD).

Eddie advised her to allow group members to see her health, stamina, mana, and concentration bars and make them visible for herself.

"So you know when to heal someone or when you can't expect any help soon, because they are OOM, out of mana."

They starred over each other's heads where the bars had appeared.

"You are 95% dead!" Eddie exclaimed.

"And you are much too healthy, and even your mana bar is full!" Flora was equally appalled.

After Flora explained to him her training measures and philosophy, she activated friendly fire to help Eddie getting rid of all that excess health.

"This is what I call toxic femininity!" Eddie mumbled and leaned away from Flora. "Please, Trail, make the seats a bit broader. This woman might kill me otherwise."

Flora handed him two health potions for emergencies.

"Sure, this isn't poison?" Eddie asked while he checked the flasks carefully.

Flora nodded. "Yes, poisons are mainly yellow and neon green. If you want some, I have some."

Eddie laughed and shook his head.

Next, the movie explained the badges. Flora didn't know that you could see from the shape alone how powerful your opponent was. Eddies and her badge had a platin and gold circle around their level, which meant that they were unranked. Weak enemies or E rated players had only a silver circle, regular enemies, or D rated players a golden ring. Starting from C spikes protruded out of the gold circle: Two spikes for C or Soldiers, four for B or Sergeants, six for A or Bosses, and eight for S or Big Bosses.

NPC had an additional feature

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NPC had an additional feature. They had stripes on the upper corner of their badges, which represented the recommended group size when fighting against those. Flora changed the display to a number.

"Aidan, show me Lady Mnoder's badge."

Her level was 200, and six spikes protruded from the circle. The recommended group size in the upper right corner showed a 3.

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