2.83 Tutorial Tower - Part 3

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While Flora repaired the Mover, she took deep breaths. That bad B-rated baby boss had done a number on it and on her sanity. She didn't understand why she became so panicky in these situations. It was just a game.

"It's just a game. It's just a game. I won't die. The Mover won't die." Flora repeated the mantra a few times.

"Are you okay, Milady?"

"I will be," Flora answered. "Aidan, do you still think it was the best decision to sacrifice the Mover?"

"Yes, Milady. If you had healed him, the fight would have taken in the best case a bit longer. In the worst case, the boss would have enraged and killed the entire party."

"Okay, I see your point. Please adjust your calculations because I highly dislike losing team-members. Maybe triple the time I need to revive them if you compare times. I still prefer surviving than sacrificing the entire party for one member, though. Therefore your decision for the last fight was probably for the best." Flora felt better after talking about it. Her trust in Aidan was renewed, and now she knew her own priorities better. Maybe they would change in the future. Suddenly a case in which her survival was less important came to her mind. "If it means holding Robby alive, even virtually, disregard what I have said. His life and happiness have the highest priority, regardless of the consequences."

"Yes, Milady."

Flora put her mask away. They were past the point where she could play around blindly and still succeed. When they entered the chamber of the floor boss, she regretted the decision. It looked like a dungheap with mouthes, many mouthes.

Contrary to its horrible looks, the boss wasn't too challenging. He used wind skills, attempting to blow the Mover away or suck him in, but her aircraft countered him nicely. Because of the Mover's extra propellers, the boss failed to influence him. The Tollies and Gaccu had inherited Wind resistance from Flora, whereas the Octopussy was the lightest member of the party and had the most problems. After Aito hugged the mover with four tentacles, even their weakest member wasn't vulnerable, so the boss went down without further ado. It just took some time. Aidan estimated that the dunghill had 44000 HP, which was ridiculous. Flora herself had only 1800.


Quest completed: The Tower Climb XI

Description: Conquer the eleventh level and advance to the top.

Rewards: + 1 OV Bonus to an attribute of your choice. + 1 OV Air Affinity.

Difficulty: SSS


"SSS? Holy Toaster. The affinity reward is nice, though. "

"Yes, Milady. Floor X was the highest floor anybody in the forum admitted having conquered. The two players did warn about the eleventh floor. So now, we have no more advanced knowledge about further difficulties."

"I reached 4 in every bonus category but Magical Perception. You said you have two more + OV for it, so what should I get?"

"Defense and later Vigor, Milady."

Flora went with Aidan's advice.


Quest: The Tower Climb XII

Description: Conquer the twelfth level and advance to the top.

Rewards: + 1 OV Bonus to an attribute of your choice. +1 OV Affinity of the Boss's Domain.

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