55. Refining Metal

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"The article doesn't mention the time needed for an upgrade, but I would estimate that raising it from A to S will take at least an hour, Milady. And only so soon, because your smithing ability of 27 exceeds the tier of the material. I have two suggestions for speeding up the process: the first is to use the spell Supercharge. I haven't dared to bind it for fear of disturbing your rhythm."

"Where do I get it?"

"You already have it. You used it in the fight with the Icemaster."

Name: Supercharge

Description: Fills you with the energy of lightning. All of your cooldowns sink one tier, and time slows down.

CD: 5 min.

"Nice! What means sink one tier?"

CD tiers

Tier-1: 10 sec

Tier-2: 25 sec

Tier-3: 1 min

Tier-4: 5 min

Tier-5: 10 min

Tier-6: 25 min

Tier-7: 1 h

Tier-8: 8 h

Tier-9: 1 day

Tier-10: 1 week

"It only works on one spell once. You wouldn't be able to reduce the cooldown of 'Rise to the occasion' from 1 day to just a few seconds by casting it multiple times."

"I should use my champion spells more often, but I'm afraid that they are on cooldown when I need them the most. But when I'm here in the simulation grounds, it shouldn't affect the cooldowns in the real world, right?"

"I'm not sure Milady, Champion spells are special. You don't have to level them. Their effect is solely depending on your faith."

A picture overlayed Flora's HUD: "Summon the God" and "In the name of the God" were crossed out, "Rise to the Occasion" not.

After a bit of guessing what Aito meant, Flora understood she could use Rise to the Occasion without triggering the CD in the regular game, and she shouldn't use the other two spells.

First, Flora reheated the material and hammered for a while to regain the feel for it. Then she cast the spell.

<Rise to the Occasion>!

Flora felt herself growing bigger. The hammer in her hand felt lighter, and her movements not only more smooth but also more precise. The growth stopped just a few inches away from the ceiling of the room. Bending her legs in a horse stance, Flora continued to bash the metal with power and grace. Too soon, the effect ended, and Flora shrunk to her regular size.

"That was awesome! I felt like Superwoman! Give me some numbers, dear."

"Height: 3.38m; Duration: 28 seconds; Stats OV change: 280 percent."

"I should do this at least once a day! Not only because it is fun, but also to get used to the changes!"

"May I tell you my second suggestion, Milady?"

"Of course, sorry, I've got sidetracked."

"Aquire a better hammer. It is a rite of passage for novice smiths to make their own hammers when they reach level 25. A manual is available at the Garage."

Flora agreed after looking at her hammer: it was only B rated and the best she could buy from the shop.

"Let's finish the Octopussy first. Then we'll do the dailies. We will pick up the manual when we're at the Garage."

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