16. The Seven Masters Dojo

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Flora landed in a wood in front of another colossal portal-gate in a high wall. By now, she knew what to do and entered the portal.

Zone Information

Name: The Seven Masters Dojo

Color: Yellow


Defeat: Defeat

Cornered: 2h

Drop: 0,00%


Defeat: Defeat

Cornered: 1min

Drop: 0,00%


Defeat: Defeat

Cornered: 5sec

Drop: 0,00%

Automated Reputation Losses

Fighting outside sparing areas: - 5 Rep

Littering: - 1 Rep

Using weapons or armor: - 3 Rep

Automated Reputation Gains

Consum: + 1 Rep per 10 VirDos

Quests: + 1 Rep per Quest

Teach: + 1 Rep per hour

The compound consisted of a green garden with one modern main building composed of steel and glass and several smaller buildings from different earth cultures, like traditional Chinese and South American.

Walking toward the most prominent building, Flora passed martial arts classes which looked to her barely trained eyes like Tai Chi. All the pupils wore the same uniform, wide rust-colored trousers, and an orange top or stash.

After Flora entered the building, she immediately spotted the information counter and checked in.

The anteroom opened up to an atrium packed with bawling spectators watching four boxing rings with ongoing fights. Flora stayed clear of the crowd and analyzed the zone information.

The quest page was sparse with just one quest giver, the information booth, and two quests available: one daily quest attending a lesson and one weekly quest participation on a workshop. But the training tab was several pages long. Flora let Aidan count the different martial art styles, and he came up with 101. Flora hadn't even known that there were that many! She needed a recommendation.

Flowing Flowers to Radglory Flow: "Sweety, what martial arts should I train? I'm at the Seven Masters Dojo."

Radglory Flow to Flowing Flowers: "Sorry, Ma, busy! Take Karate or something! And don't take a grappling art! You won't like to wrestle a slime or a dragon! And under no circumstances take Aikido! Bye!"

'That didn't help. What's wrong with Aikido? And wrestling dragon sounds like fun ...'

She visualized a majestic dragon and then her choking it. 'No, that doesn't work, my arms are too short of reaching around its neck'. She tried to imagine an armbar. Same problem. 'A little finger/claw-bar?' The dragon in her head raised its front leg with Flora hanging on for dear life and smashed it in the ground. 'Alright, I see the problem. But what's a good martial art against a dragon?'

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