2.41 Breach

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Flora dashed out of the dome after Aidan had told her that he lost contact with Haidan, the AI in charge of managing her lair.

"You have to leave the building for porting back to the Metaworld, Milady."

"We take the shortest way out." Flora decided. Instead of following Aidan's signals and entering the elevator, she pushed the activating button telepathically from outside.

The door closed, and Flora heard the cabin shooting out.

<Magical Saw>

Flora sawed a hole in the door and slipped through it to the rollercoaster tracks. Standing on the rails, she had a clear view of the city center. Dozens of meters below her were the park and the highways parting the greenery. From this high up, the traffic looked as if ants had made technological progress and discovered magic at the same time.

"This is a bad idea," Flora mumbled, slightly nauseated by the view. Before she could change her mind, she jumped off the tracks.

Of course, Flora didn't waste time, even when plummeting from a skyscraper.


When her Messenger Mech-suit encased her, she had nearly reached the ground.

<Riding the Flash>

Flora shot forward. The gravitational pull and momentum from the spell meshed. Instead of hitting the ground vertically, she curved towards it.

With a diving roll, she buffered the rest of the impact.

<I bow to you and roll with it>

Even with the damage reduction of the prayer, Flora lost over 20 percent of her health. However, her sanity has taken a bigger hit.

"I'll never do this again!" She swore, wide-eyed on trembling legs. After she took some deep breath while fetching turrets and weaponry from her inventory, she added."Not never never, more 'never' in the sense of 'I'll never drink again', you know."

With haste, Flora enchanted the golem with 15 mana and assigned it Establish Connection, Lightning Storm, Lightning Shield, and Magical Push. She hadn't the time to ponder her selection but went with her gut feeling.

Flora transferred Aidan-Octopussy to the golem and raised Aito-Octopussy's MR/min to fifteen and filled the rest of her nocks with turrets.


Nocks: 15 Aito-Octopussy, 5 Mech-Suit, Healing Turret, Repair Turret, 4 Laser Turrets, Mana-Battery.


Nocks Total


Golem: Establish Connection, Lightning Storm, Lightning Shield, and Magical Push







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