2.50 RSvBB - 10v10 - Part 2

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Flora, Mia, and Eddie watched the 10v10 underwater match.

The Riverstones put up a valiant fight against the Brooklyn Bowlers, but it didn't look like they had a chance of winning. With only five more minutes to go, the Bowlers had 11 pearls and the Riverstones only three. Fortunately, Flora's clanmates weren't going for the win.

On the sidebar, the time ticked down. While the Riverstones exerted the maximum pressure, the Bowlers fought conservatively. They already had the win in their pockets and didn't mind the Riverstones grinding their points on them. Not that they made it easy- not taking risks was the smart choice to secure their success.

The game ended with 15 to 5 pearls, and the Bowlers cheered, whereas the Riverstones glared at the stats.

Clan Riverstones vs. Brooklyn Bowlers: 9:13.

"Nooooooo! We missed the mark by only one point!" Flora exclaimed.

Mia opened the stats.

The names of all the players stood in one column, their healing, damage, and protection as numerical values in three more, the next column displayed the match-points, and the last column had comments and little crowns.

First, Mia sorted by damage. Zapple won this category, followed by Plaga Sobreti.

"Isn't he a healer?"

"Not by choice."

Hub won the tank category. The last point went to them because of the bonus mission.

Robby and BBQ were high up in the healing category, but a Brooklyn Bowler defeated them. Most of the Riverstones placed well. The last eight places where only Brooklyn Bowlers, except for Ressa and Hoffi. Flora blamed the superior healing of the Riverstones for the loss. They probably left no wounds open for Robby to heal. Robby reached third place in the MVP category, following the team leader who collected all the pearls and Plaga.

"What now?" Flora asked.

"We'll join the B-challenge tournament next week. Everything is open. We can even gain publicity and fans by doing well. While regular matches in the B-league only draw an audience of a few 100k, millions will watch the tournament." Mia said, unfazed. "Thank you for letting me join your watch party, Auntie. I'll log into the Island for the post-match activities."

"Sure thing, dear. Thanks for explaining stuff." Flora said. "Will you join the team for the tournament?"

"It depends on how much I can grow my modded OV. Currently, I've got only 83 marbles for the BaPa from the kiddie-server, and they are all over the place. My native stats might be on par or even a bit higher than the average B-rated player, but they can't compensate for that huge OV difference. Additionally, I have no tier 5 batticle."

"Getting more of those nifty bonuses is on my agenda as well," Flora said. "My are AIs looking for ways to grow them, preferably with methods I can do in here. Can we exchange information on them?"

"Alright, but ways to gain OV are quite valuable, so I only exchange 1:1, and of course, the already documented achievements won't count." Mia sent the oldies a link to a database with hundreds of achievements.

"Aidan, filter them. I want to see only the ones I can do in here." Aidan complied, and the list was still several pages long. Flora looked at one randomly.


Skilled-Endurance: Channel a skill for more than one hour.

+ 1 OV Mana Regeneration.

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