72. Player versus Player - Lesson

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With the business concluded, the player remembered their manners. Cheerfully, Flora introduced herself.

"Hello. We've heard great things from Mia about you. It's a pleasure to meet you.

I'm Little Immortal. You may call me LI or Little. Last season, I was the top-ranked player on the kiddie server.

The gloomy one is my friend SAF, and his specialty is mass PvP.

Last but never least: The lovely lady's name is Poppy. Initially, she ruled as PvE Healer/DD hybrid, but at the moment, she wipes the floor with us thanks to her S-rated elemental, Unflaze." Little pointed everyone out and stopped at the hip-high snowflake.

Mia saw the glassy look on Auntie's face and knew her AI's explained the gaming terms to her. But she couldn't wait to come clean and get rid of the audience.

"I'm sorry, Auntie. I have told them a thing or two about you when they asked about the mods of my batticle. They all belong to top clans. The less they know, the less they can pass on. I recommend sending them out for our PvP workshop."

Auntie Flow laughed.

"Never mind, dear. Discretion is overrated." She turned to the crowd. "If you want to stay, you have to comply with my rules. For sharing my lesson with Mia, you have to pay one spell. Furthermore, you are forbidden to share any information with Tigressa Flamante until my duel with her."

The teenies looked at each other.

"If you want to learn a spell from everyone, it would take hours." Little said.

"Nonsense dear, just show me the diagram, and we are good."

Mia signaled with her eyes Auntie to shut up.

"What's up, honey? Is something wrong?"

Mia lay her finger on her mouth. Of course, the attention of the group was on her, and pantomime was useless. But she didn't trust her mouth to stay polite, so she kept it closed.

"Oh, come on. Just casting can't be such a big deal. I haven't even revealed I could modify spells."

Mia's shoulders sagged, and she didn't trust herself to even look at the old codger.

'Discretion is overrated my ass. She is a walking security risk.'

"Ooops. Oh well, nevermind."

"I wouldn't want to miss it. I stay. What spells do you want?" Little agreed, and the others joined him eagerly.

"I want the elemental mage spell Fire Breath. The ice version is fine, too."

"I have it. Its called Frost Breath." Poppy exclaimed.

Flora giggled. "Is the wood spell called Toxic Breath? If yes, I even know a few people in real life who possess it."

The kids laughed. Mia was so used to the skill names she didn't notice how funny some of them were.

Gradually, she relaxed. The teenies hadn't understood what Auntie meant when she said she could modify spells. They had probably thought of Morphs.

"And I need more movement skills which don't share cooldowns with the mage stuff, escape trap or power jump. I watched a few vids of Tigressa, and she is slippery."

"I have that covered, too. But I won't pay for all of you. Little and the SAF have Seven-Mile-Step while my spell's name is Blink. Both share a cool down. Little has means to speed himself up, but I'm pretty sure he won't trade it."

"Right. Super-Blown is a hidden spell. When I teach it to you, I'll lose it."

When Mia saw Auntie's face light up, she got a bad feeling.

Auntie toasts the VRMMORPGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant