28. Doom Moon - Part 2

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Flora crouched behind the display case, but she could see the elevator door opening via a reflection of another cabinet.

A female dressed from crown to spikey leather boots in red entered the room. She even wore a cape. Flora knew only the most important and powerful people wore capes, like superheroes or villains or Julius Cesar. 'I should get a cape!'

As the female entered the room, Flora lost sight of her and only heard determined footsteps coming closer and closer.

'Should I stand up? I don't want to die squatting!'

A datapad beeped.


"The terrorist started the attack on Doom Moon, Lady Mnoder. A fleet of 1000 destroyers arrived."

"Very good. I'm on my way."

'Very good? This info doesn't conform to my definition of very good!'

Suddenly the sound of puking came from the other end of the room. Flora closed her eyes and wished that she could close her ears as well.

"Come out."

"Lady Mnodederer." Jake stuttered.

"You desecrated my shrine, terrorist."

The sound of a plasma sword filled the room. Then it stopped and was replaces by the dull sounds of knees, a tinny sound of metal gizmos on the belt, a thud for the upper body, and last, way too late for it still being attached, the lighter noise of a head hitting the floor.

After Mnoder left, Flora sank down.

Quest completed: Survive a Birthday Party on the Doom Moon

Reward: none

Difficulty: B

Completion: B

Quest: Survive and maintain the defensive structures on the Doom Moon

Reward: Bonus Crafting XP

Penalty: Scenario stops

Current status of the turrets: 91 %

Time Limit: 45 min.

Difficulty: B

'Not now!'

Flora picked herself up and walked to Jake's body. Slowly, she shook her head.

"I'm sorry, mate. All I can give you is a half baked funeral."

Her gaze went over the heads.

"I'm too weak to take proper revenge against someone who wears a cape," Flora smirked without joy. "But I'm ca-pa-ble to do a bit of property destruction."

Methodically, Flora dismantled the cabinets. After putting all heads and Jake on a pile in the corner of the room, she fetched the original treasure chest from her inventory. It contained her camping equipment, including the lighter fluid and coals, which she added to the pile.

Flora checked the room to see if she had forgotten anyone. Although she found no further heads, she decided that it would be a waste to burn the plasma swords and the mannequin-routines. Therefore she transferred them into her treasure chest besides two of the sabers. One went to her belt and one to light the fire. After putting the container back into her inventory, Flora collected herself for the ceremony.

"Rest in peace. You lived the way of the sword and the way of the multi-tool. May they light the way to the afterlife." She activated the welder of Jake's tool and the plasma sword and threw them into the pile. "By the power vested in me by the goddess Evailyn, I pronounce you, um. No, that is the wrong start!

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