33. Doom Moon Second Attempt

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Yesterday had been productive, and Flora was still in a good mood in the morning.

When she exited the workshop, her flat was neat and tidy again.

Satisfied, she looked around. Only the parts too small for getting picked up by the Hungry Chest were left.

For cleaning up the rest, Flora learned a new spell variant. Its base was Magic Pull, but that spell was optimized for out of combat use and targeted a wider area with multiple objects. The mana scaled with the weight of the pulled items, so it synergized well with the Hungry Chest.

She pocketed the container and beamed to the 3D-printer.

To feed the printer with materials, you had to dump them into the 4x4x4m area where the printing took place.

The process operated precisely reverse to the printing. The Lasers took away layer after layer of the material. To Flora, it looked like the junk got deleted by a laser eraser.

'Fascinating, but spooky. What would happen to a living being?'

When she put the Hungry Chest back into her inventory, she saw the other three containers. She hadn't looked into them yet, mainly because there had been no place to put them with her floor occupied by trash.

With trepidation, she opened her first treasure chest. She hoped that her camping equipment, page-turner, and other stuff had survived the explosion.

Frozen, she stared at the densely packed content.

The statues had survived the explosion! Earlier, Flora had noticed with entertainment that the blast had disassembled the crafted items neatly into their parts. She hypothesized that because the sculptures were carved out of solid stone, the destroy-algorithm didn't work on them.

Finding components of the plasma swords on the bottom of the container confirmed the thought.

She carefully touched one of the statues.

Lady Mnoder versus Trara Sampetime - Mannequin-Routine

"I will kill you!" A blond young woman with wild hair screamed and brandished her plasma sword.

"No, I will kill you!" Lady Mnoder giggled.

Based on the voice, Flora guessed that Lady Mnoder was substantially younger. Flora even caught the motion of brandishing the plasma sword. It was still incredibly smooth, but in the other routine, and when she met the Lady, the sword had practically teleported into her hand.

Trara raised the sword above her head and charged at Mnoder. Gracefully, Mnoder sidestepped the chop and lashed out with her saber. The girl ducked under it and rose up with a stab.

Flora felt the body bending and weaving. It reminded her more of dancing or maybe even dodgeball than fighting.

Now, Flora realized that the blades never met. She rummaged through her rusty physics knowledge to come up with what would happen when two plasma streams intersected. One thing she was sure of: parrying was out of the question.

At last, Mnoder managed to cut deep into the leg of her opponent. Trara went down and stared with hate-filled teary eyes on Flora.

"Alright, I win!" Mnoder exclaimed cheerfully. "Please feel like I killed you and go on with your life."

She turned around and walked away.

"I will get a new leg, and I will hunt you down!" She heard the girl yell.

"Sorry, I don't have time for this." Mnoder came back and beheaded Trara.

The routine ended, and Flora raised her eyebrows.

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