2.39 SBAT - Companion Administration

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As Flora ran towards the testing facilities, waves of dizziness assaulted her. She shook her head and concentrated on the traffic. In the back of her mind, something nagged her. But then a flock of raptors snapped after Octopussy while passing her, and she got distracted.

"Don't eat my robot!" Flora said and slapped the dinosaur's muzzle away.

"Don't hit my baby chicks!" A guy riding the biggest raptor yelled back.

"I won't hit it if it leaves me alone!"

"It would have left you alone if your octopus didn't provoke it!"

Because Aidan was connected to the Octopussy, Flora was very sure that he wasn't at fault. Nevertheless, making sure you had your facts straight was a part of being responsible.

Flowing Flowers to Aidan: "Do you know what he means?"

"I'm very sorry, Milady. Aito asked me to check whether the feathers on the tail of the raptor were real or armor."



"Don't touch tails without the consent of their owner!"


Flora gritted her teeth.

"I guess I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for my robot's transgression." Flora said to the rider who dashed next to her.

"Haha, good that you realize who's the culprit." The big man laughed wholeheartedly.

Flora flipped one of the Mana-Spring Coins over to him. "Please take that gift for your troubles."

"Hey, thanks. That's a classy move, lady. I know everything about misbehaving pets, so I understand. Good luck." The rider sped away.

"I'm very sorry, Milady," Aidan repeated.

"It's okay, Aidan. Please learn from your mistakes. That counts for you as well, Aito."

*Beeeeep...* Aito sounded like a sullen teenager.

"And were the tail feathers real?" Flora knew she shouldn't encourage her, but she wanted to know as well.

*Beep! Beheheheeeep!*

Back at the testing facilities, Flora met her guide again.

"Very sorry, pardon, very sorry!" The fairy Friedhilde chirped while flying laps around Flora's head. "I received the result of the Direct Effects versus Effects over Time test. Here you go!"



Flowing Flowers has an impressive talent for managing damage over time effects.

However, her direct damage is so great that she will kill all enemies before the strength of a DoTs playstyle shows its advantages.

Therefore I have no class recommendation concerning the two playstyles because other aspects of the SBAT are more critical.


Flora shrugged. She enjoyed the planning and the juggling of the playstyle, but she agreed with the assessment that this aspect wasn't important to her.

Next, she went over her Sweeping Blow Aptitude Test list.

1. Primary Attribute - Check

2. Weapon Talent - Check

Auntie toasts the VRMMORPGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora