14. Animated Skins

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A/N: Today I started my first day as a fulltime writer! To spread the joy I'm giving away vouchers for Redbubble and Threadless on YouTube (On 8.September the winner will be diced and announced).

Half an hour before the meeting time, Flora beamed to the Trick Temple. She wore her new mech-suite over pink sports attire (+ 3 OV phys. reg.) but left the helmet in her inventory. In new territories, vision was necessary.

The massive building reminded Flora to Centre Pompidou with its rails and pipes enwrapping every visible surface. A steady stream of young people in colorful clothes, mostly what Flora called the 'nighty style', swaggered from the port circle to the gate. The nighty style consisted of an oversized long-shirt and leggings. Exactly the ensemble Flora wore as pajamas.

As Flora entered the building through a shimmering gate, she got the message, that Ali Hawks had invited her and covered her entrance fee.

Zone Information

Name: Trick Temple

Color: Yellow


Defeat: Defeat

Cornered: 2h

Drop: 0,00%


Defeat: Defeat

Cornered: 5min

Drop: 0,00%


Defeat: Defeat

Cornered: 30sec

Drop: 0,00%

Automated Reputation Losses

Crashing into other people: - 5 Rep

Littering: - 1 Rep

Adult speech: - 1 Rep

Adult activities: - 5 Rep

Automated Reputation Gains

Entrance: + 1 Rep

Quests: + 1 per Quest

On the way to her seat Flora bought some fried ant-sticks with avocado-dip and a mango soda. Her place was on section A tribune 15 row 43 seat 24. After she failed to locate even section A with all the people, colors, noise and especially snacks distracting her, she delegated the job to Aidan. He projected arrows in Flora's HUD and she only had to concentrate on dodging teenies and not spilling the soda.

The stairs up to row 43 looked daunting. Flora snickered, her assessment was still in old woman mode. The mech-suit didn't make it easy to climb the stairs, but there was less pain and wheezing than in real life. After reaching her row, Flora turned around and proclaimed to the aisle: "I conquered you!"

"The *bleep" you did!"

"Don't block the way, granny!"

Flora shook her head. 'Those young people don't know what they have and won't appreciate it until it's gone.'

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