2.14 Contribution Analysis

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Slowly Flora awakened. She needed a moment to remember where she was. The little cave with the hot pool was unfamiliar. Only a bit of light reflected from the tunnel to entrance illuminated the wet stone.

"Right, I'm on Riverstones Island," Flora said. "How much time until the class, Aidan?"

"1 hour 12 minutes Cetviwos Time, 3 hours 35 minutes in time dilation."

"Has Jump reached level 50, already?"

"Yes, Milady. I continued to level it. A higher level will help with the lesson."

Flora nodded and complimented him for his diligence. Now, she had time to look at her new classes, but she hesitated.

"I believe I overdid it again," Flora confessed while letting the water run through her fingers. "I knew I wanted to go easy on acquiring new skills and classes, but I just couldn't resist... do you know whether the fallen novices have survived?"

Paladins carrying their unconscious forms out of the church was the last she had seen of them.

"Yes, Milady. Bibus Wendigo died, and Ondrak Cardosi pulled through."

Flora sighed. "Bibus died because I didn't know my skills well enough. I planned only to get new ones when I mastered the use of the ones I already have."

"Milady, the outcome would have been the same if you wouldn't have acquired the skills you didn't use."

"Interesting perspective! Maybe and maybe not. If I had only the Elemental Healer and the Priest classes, I would have remembered about Thaumaturgy. That spell would have made a difference. The standard attack, area of effect, defensive, and movement skills are easier to remember than the signature skills. Alright, it would be totally possible that I'd confuse which is the optimal shield to use in the heat of the moment... or movement skill..."

"Should I display prompts with suggested skills?"

"Thank you for the offer, but I already rely too much on you and Aito. Besides, Aito has shown good judgment when to show me a skill. So we leave it like this." Flora said, but then another thought crossed her mind. "Did I use my scepter? I didn't! While casting the healing rain with one hand, I could have shot those cute little healing beams with the other hand. Please remind me that I have two hands when I forget about it again."

"Yes, Milady."

"Maybe I shouldn't judge myself too harshly. I'm new to fighting and seeing people die in front of my eyes." Flora shook her head. "Those council members got rid of the pope before I regained my composure. We were interrupted the last time we spoke about that, weren't we? There was some mechanism to show how much people applied themselves in a fight?"

"Yes, Milady: Contribution. The system is based on points. One point for every damage or healing you cause, one point for every health loss you block or prevent. If you enable somebody else to produce more damage, for example, through buffing, you receive a part of their points. If you prevent an opponent from acting, you get points as well. For this ranking relevant were points gained through organizing like arranging the fallen for better area healing, Konstantin worked hard on this. Most of your points come from disabling the pope. You received contribution for his remaining hit points and preventing him from doing more damage."

"Alright, let's speculate what everybody contributed."

Aidan and Flora came up with a list, using the video footage of the fight for details.

1. Flowing Flowers – 52% - Chaining the Pope, building the armor/chains, healing and organizing the fallen

2. Ellaciel Zander – 16% - Blocking the AoEs with the barrier, damage

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