2.82 Tutorial Tower - Part 2

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Quest: The Tower Climb VIII

Description: Conquer the eighth level and advance to the top.

Rewards: + 1 OV Bonus to an attribute of your choice.

Penalty: None. Except when you die, then the scenario ends.

Difficulty: SS


The trash mobs on floor VIII had survived long enough that Flora attempted hitting them blindly. While it was fun, she didn't dare to repeat it in the D-rated room. The C-rated monster was nothing to write home about. However, the B-rated mob had a domain again.

Lightning Domain Suppression: -1 OV Domain Handicap. – 2 HP per minute.

Flora resisted the debuffs, but her robots suffered. The Mover was shocked so often that Aidan couldn't hold the aggro. Therefore the opponent switched to Flora.

"Is it a robot, Aidan? It feels robotic!" Flora asked, excited, despite getting hit by what felt like a sledgehammer.

"Yes, Milady."

"I want to see it badly!" Flora whined but kept her blindfold up. Channeling Holy Beam, she beat the robot with her wrenches.

Flora was forced to sober up when the HP bar of the Octopussy sank under 30 percent.

(Left-Hand Multitool Scepter): <Bless and Condemn>

(Left-Hand Multitool Scepter): <Bless and Condemn>

Now, that the Octopussy was out of the red zone, Flora concentrated on defeating the robot. When it shortcircuited, Flora sat down and regenerated her pools.

The ninth boss had a domain as well. It felt simultaneously constricting and repelling.

Warding Domain Suppression: -1 OV Domain Handicap. – 1 HP per minute.

Biting Minus Ward Tier 1: 1 x (- 2 OV Macro Controls). 1 x – 2 HP every 2 seconds. Remaining Time: 10 seconds.

"A new Affinity, nice." Flora tried to see it as a positive. "Let's see if we can get it. We need around 10 minutes of exposure, right?"

When Aidan confirmed it, Flora sent the Octopussy and the Tollies out of range. She positioned herself close to the boss, to Holy Strike him now and then for mana reg.

(Left Hand, Wavering Wave-Ring, channeled): <Holy Healing Rain>

Although the debuffs didn't clear as fast as Flora was used to, she didn't let them form more than one stack by using her right hand to clear away the excess debuff.

Gaccu only healed, and the Mover used two of his four propellors to generate aggro.

Everything went fairly well until the 5-minute mark.

"Milady, the boss is enraged."

"You can't fault him for that. We came unannounced into his tower and didn't even bring toasts. Okay, we brought toasts, but we didn't gift him any, which is even worse."

"Enraging is a game mechanic. An enraged enemy does double damage."

"Oh well." Flora looked at the HP bar of the Mover. Although it shrank, it was a slow process.

(Left-Hand, Multitool Scepter): <Mantra>

(Right-Hand, Multitool Scepter): <Bless and Condemn>

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