17. Potion Guzzler

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Flora still wore the Seven Masters Uniform from the day before and wanted to change back to her mech-suit.

This started a train of thoughts, how her inventory worked in her workshop. She tested a few things:

Changing in the WS in mech-suit worked. Her 7MD uniform landed in her inventory. But when she exited the shop, her body still wore the 7MD uniform, and the suit was back in her inventory.

She re-entered the workshop, and she still wore the 7MD attire. She trashed the chest armor plate of the mech-suit and went back to her lair. There, she checked the suit, and it was whole.

Then, she logged back and tried to put a toaster in her inventory. That failed, you couldn't store workshop items. Flora didn't expect it to work. Otherwise, you wouldn't need a printer.

Next, she drank a vial of snake-bite poison.

Beginner snake-bite poison

Type: Poison

Effect: 9 dmg during 10 sec

Tier: 1

Rating: B

Immediately, a debuff appeared in her vision.

Poison: Snake-Bite poison: 30 x ~1 dmg per second. Time remaining: 10 sec.

'This is not good! That's 300 dmg, and I only have 190 health!'

Because she remembered that physical regeneration worked better while resting, she sat down. Then she jugged down a health potion. Another debuff appeared:

Potion Cooldown: No other potion shows effect. Time remaining: 25 sec.

"Suggestions, Aidan!"

"Meditation raises regeneration, milady."

Flora closed her eyes and took a long breath. Her focus was solely on breathing in and out. After a minute or two, she opened her eyes.

"Why am I not dead or defeated?"

Aidan showed her the combat log. Her defense absorbed 22% of the damage. Therefore she only got 211 poison damage, and the health potion gave her 46 and the regen 6 health back. That left her with 31 hp.

"Very good. Now, why did I get that much damage? The description said nine dmg!"

"The vial had ten doses, and it's a weapons poison. A poisoned weapon can apply the toxin three times. 3*10*9 is 270."

"Guess, I didn't read the fine print," Flora admitted sheepishly. "Let's continue with the test."

She exited the workshop and checked the poison vial. It was full again and stayed filled even after logging back. At last, she found an exploit she could use. Her current methods weren't sufficient to drain her HP, especially if she needed the mana for crafting. So she wanted to supplement with poisons.

"Restart the training-coffin, dear," Flora said. After the bruised-debuff had vanished, she still felt physically exhausted but wasn't sore.

"Let's brainstorm. I want to apply poison to myself. Preferably in the coffin, that I don't have to think about it while designing and you can do it when I sleep.

One option is to craft a needle, apply poison to it, and prick my skin."

She visualized the steps for it. Alone coating the needle in the rattling coffin without spilling the poison challenged her imagination.

"Maybe a valve and a guiding system for the vibrating needle to hit the entry point?" she muttered. "Another option is a drinking helmet like those football game/frat-party beer guzzler hats. I could fill it with health or mana potions as well and activate what I need at that moment the most. But can I swallow when I'm asleep? Let's test it!

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