84. Doom Moon Four - Resolution

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When Elena entered the range of the rocket launcher, Flora lowered her arm.

"Elena, it's me, Auntie Flow," she yelled, but the girl didn't stop. "Oh, for toaster's sake. We don't have to fight."

"Why are you here, Auntie?" The young woman had stopped at a distance of exactly fifteen meters, the range for spells.

"YOU are asking ME why I'm here? That's rich, dear! Your little stunt almost exploded the moon!"

"Come on. We just wanted to destroy the engine. The doom moon can't be allowed to exist. It is an appliance to suppress the people's will."

"The engines contain the core. I can guarantee you if you sent a missile into it, the Doom Moon goes boom." Auntie felt like hitting her. Maybe peacefully solving this situation had been a mistake. "Ask Jake about it. Jake, as in Jake, your husband and not your late husband because you killed him and all the other innocent workers."

"We waited for the birthday party so that everybody vacated the job side."

"Holy toaster, Elana. I wasn't joking about the explosion. We didn't hold the party on another planet."

"I don't believe you." She stated, but her voice sounded uncertain.

"Please tell me at least how the imperium is suppressing you. When I visited you, the settlement seemed lovely. Aren't you living well?"

"If you adhere to the rules, you are allowed to have a normal life. But if you overstep the boundaries, they'll punish you hard."

"What are the boundaries? If it is killing a whole moon, I condone hard punishments."

"What about freedom of speech? The right to assemble?"

"Alright, these are important. Will you get jailed when you protest?"

"Yes! They are very stingy, as soon as you even carry a blaster, you get jailed."

Flora wanted to go on, but she realized it was futile to discuss the issue with someone who couldn't see that carrying weapons to a demonstration was a problem.

"And how do the Icemasters play into this mess?"

"I recognize they are problematic. But sometimes you have to put your emotions aside and look at the cold hard facts."

In Flora's experience, people who explained things with "facts" had pulled them out of their butts more often than not, or from the internet, the collective bottom of humanity.

"Nevermind, I suggest you message your friends to fetch you. I don't think people would believe you came for a family visit. I stay here and guard the shaft."

Flora glanced at the sky. The fighting had diminished, and the Imperials were winning.

"I can't. The crash destroyed my communication equipment."

"Well then, what a lovely day for you to stopover," Flora said with a sigh.

A transporter approached and landed right next to the women. Lady Mnoder exited with long strides, and Jake trailed behind her. His face screamed, "I'm sulking" until he spotted Elena.

"Honey!" He ran over, hugged her and twirled. "I'm so glad to see you. Where's Hope?"

He looked around. Flora resisted a groan.

"What do you see, blockhead?" Elana took the word out of Flora's brain. "We are standing on the surface of a superweapon. The air is barely breathable, and the gravity neglectable. Do you think this is a suitable environment for our daughter? She's with my parents."

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