2.4. Temple Cleaning - The wayward Pope

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The last of the low leveled clergy trickled out of the hall while the Council still battled.

The paladin blocked a radiant spell with his shield while striking at Razo as Irden rained blows on the Pope. The formerly shiny yellow robes hang in tatters from the wayward Pope, but he showed no tiredness or significant wounds.

Thanks to the still ongoing effect of Refresh, Flora had regenerated ten mana. Enough for a prayer.

<Praying for Mana>

Flora took a deep breath.

"So, who started the fight, Aidan?"

"Like you assumed, the Pope."

"I'm glad we got the clergy out. The worst that could happen is Razo killing everybody. What else can he do? I can't protect the other council members while they are level 250. Or can I? What spell do I have that work based on percentages, not on flat numbers?" Flora got the idea from Re-Generate. It influenced the existing Regeneration of the recipient. That made is as useful for people with a higher level as for low levels.

Flora scanned her spell list. She was angry at herself for needing to waste precious seconds. As a crafter, she should know her tools.

"I forgot about Thaumaturgy!" Immediately, she cast the cryptic prayer aiming at the battle.

Name: Thaumaturgy (Divine, Priest)

Description: Random, but helpful, wondrous deed.

Affinity effect: Faith, strong

CD: 5 min

Duration: varies

Mana cost: varies

She hoped the last downed novices had survived. Their death would be on her. Mana and Health Regeneration were common effects of the prayer and would have helped the low leveled clergy.

"What the fragment is going on, Raffa?" Zander yelled. The Metaling bishop had recovered from the strain of casting the barrier and raised her scepter at the ex-pope. "Why did you try to kill my charges?"

Flora found the next useful spell, Dawn, and cast it. Then, she closed the list to concentrate on the ongoing drama.

"I switched allegiances, dear former fellow," Razo answered, dodging the paladin's sword strike. "Have you ever heard of the story of how Saul became Paul?"

'My first live audience to a villain monologue, oh dear. I wonder how long until I will perform one of them myself...'

Now, Flora had the time to analyze the battle. The combat had slowed down. Razo glowed and evaded Ceart's sword and shield. Nomizo still cast spells, and Dysian stood around as useless as ever. The Abbott treated Razo as his punching bag and pelted him with his fists. The problem was, Razo emulated a bag too well. He barely swayed under the assault and didn't even bother to dodge them.

When Flora finished being impressed by the elegance of the combatants, she noticed how utterly ineffective the moves seemed to be. Irden and Ceart hit the upper body of the ex-pope instead of weak points like joints and head.

The only visible result of over one minute of combat was Razo's shredded robe. It was the most pathetic fight Flora had ever seen, including two fashion models pulling each other's hair on Germany's Next Top Model. (Their wardrobe malfunction had been more spectacular, too.)

Raffa Razo retold the biblical story of Paul.

"I've seen the Light. I walked the false path of the many Gods, but Jesus called to me. The new Earthling Gods are more powerful than our Gods ever be. Evailyn is the worst of them. She started as Major God of Home, fell to God of Home Improvement, and now is only a Minor Goddess of Home Appliances. The other Gods will share her fate. The all-encompassing One Gods of the Earthlings are stronger. From now on, I will be known as Paul Razo, High-Priest of Christianity."

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