54. It's a Trap not a Turret and Hammering

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Flora loaded her divine generator. Yesterday she only managed to make it generate one mana per minute, and today she wanted to find out why.

Aidan and Aitoshuri had read all the rune books and could tell her the reason. It was the maximum a scheme could produce in one cubic meter.

Yesterday Flora had chosen to carve the scheme in a stone column, 30 cm high, with a radius of 8 cm. One cubic meter was quite a bit of distance to bridge.

First, she put four of the columns on the ground, on the edges of a 1x1m square, and connected them to a mana battery located in the middle.

Four mana per minute!

She added a level a meter above them with another four columns.

Eight mana per minute! More than enough for a healing turret, maybe even a weak shield generator on top.

Flora decided only to build the turret for version one. She mounted it above the generator and modified it to generate two beams.

Name: Double-barreled Autonomous Healing Turret

Description: Heals Friends in its range when they are below 30 Percent Health.

Type: Turret

Regular mode: 0 mana regeneration

Built-In Feature: Healing Cloud, when it isn't healing for more than 30 sec.

Effect: Double Healing when the target is below 15% health.

Base Healing: 2 x 4

Rating: S

"Ha! Just imagine it, dears. We will stand before a dragon within a forest and turrets, some shooting it down, some healing each other!" Flora exclaimed. "There are no toasters in this picture, which is bad. Let's say there is room for improvement, but the core of the idea sounds solid, right?"

"Every device has to be bound to player, either through a nook or a magical binding, Milady. The only exception is devices in lairs. That means you can have a maximum of 12 turrets with the Brownski-jacks. Though, you have to relinquish your AI's and other gizmos. Additionally, each binding cost at least one mana regeneration per minute. The 0 mr/min is deceptive. If you socket the turret, the description will change."

Flora deflated and thought about it. "What if I make one huge device? I can easily stuff a 5x5x5m expanding generator grid in a 3x3x3m container and sprinkle some turrets in between. Connecting three of these monster-gizmos together, and voila: the dragon is toast!"

"You might want to look into battle-platforms, Milady. Words don't do them justice. I recommend watching a video."

Aidan called up a video with the name "Five of the most influential battle platforms in the history of Cetviwos".

It started with a simple rectangular stage with four turrets and a blue shield. Thick wheels moved it over a battleground. Three mages and three water elementals stood on it and rained spells on a horde of ugly small humanoids. Flora estimated it was 3 meters long, and the tallest turret reached 2 meters above the ground and maybe 2 meters broad, but wheels protruded from it. So it still fitted into the inventory.

"The Battle-Platform, invented by Mo TheGizz. It gave the name to the whole category." The narrator explained and then blended in the description.

Name: Battle-Platform

Type: battle-platform

Description: Mobile stage with turrets.

Regular Mode: 18 mr/min

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