77. The Quality of Flowing Flowers

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Flora sat in the waiting area of the Magetech Institute, skimming through a book about runes. Only her tapping foot revealed her impatience.

The little violet octopus next to her put one glowing tentacle next to its head as if it was covering its ear. A white ball moved across the video-skin on its head. When it reached the bright tip, it reversed directions. Leaning on the violet squid, a second, blue-colored octopus had its glowing tentacle on the other side of its head.

The display of the ball transferred from head to head with the tentacles used as reflectors.

Yes, Aitoshuri and Aidan were playing Pong.

"Enough is enough!" Resolutely, Flora closed the book. "This waiting time is only acceptable for a top-notch hair salon or a kidney transplant! Am I in desperate need of a new hair-style?"

"No, Milady! You look wonderful, like always! Your kidneys are great, too!"

Flora marched to the player information and informed the receptionist that her contact could fetch her from Doc Brownski's office if they ever cared to show up at all.

After knocking, Flora experienced a Deja Vu.

"No! No!" came from the other side, followed by the sound of something crashing down. "Okay, now you can come in."

"Huhu, Doc."

The bronze-skinned man with silver hair jumped up from the mess of gadgets on his floor and shook Flora's hand with enthusiasm.

"Are you the new test object-I mean-test SUBJECT? You are an earthling! Great! That means you are immortal!"

"No, I'm an old test subject. Your nocks and jacks work wonderfully. I have no problems at all."

"Splendid! Splendid! Splendid!" The doc craned his neck to look behind her shoulder, and Flora dutifully turned around to give him better access, right after she had checked out his badge.

Name: Emerald Brownski

Title: Doctor

Class: Mad Scientist

Level: 1 (250)

Rating: S

Fortunately, the doc couldn't see her face. Torn between fear because a freaking S rated Boss stood behind her unprotected back and envy of his class, she couldn't calm her emotions.

"Aito, find out how to get this class. I want it! I need it! I already have it, only System doesn't know about it!"


"I want to buy some of your excellent jacks. Do you have more of them?"

"Most interesting!" He exclaimed while poking her nocks.

"The jacks, Doc?"

"What jacks?"

"The Brownski Jacks, can you sell them to me?"

"Do I look like a vendor?"

Flora sighed and turned around, eyeballing him. He wore a white lab coat over a blue aloha shirt.

"No. But last time we were able to make a deal. Do you need anything I have to offer?"

The doctor looked her up and down, pausing on her bust.

"Not that kind of offer!" Flora protested.


"Alright. You don't happen to know where I can get the Technomancer class, do you?" Flora thought a shot in the dark couldn't hurt.

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