61. Robo Melee Training - The Battle

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Mia's eyes darted to Aidan's Blade-Roller.

"But I can't distinguish the robots. In the heat of the battle, the identical Blade-Roller will hinder me more than assist me. I'll take the bet with just my two drones."

Flora looked at Aidan as well. 'The girl is smart. Of course, I wouldn't turn on her, but setting the bet up in a way she doesn't has to fear backstabbing is wise.' Because of this thought, Flora refrained from suggesting alternative solutions like coloring the robot to keep Aidan in the fight.

"Okay." She added to Aidan. "I'm sorry to have you sidelined, dear, but I already promised Aitoshuri a reward for the fight. Just concentrate on taking notes of Aito's maneuvers. You might learn a thing or two. Aito, I'm giving you free rein. Use the same mental pings as Aidan to request spells."

"I'll do the commentating!" Eddie volunteered with a microphone in his hand. For a moment, Flora was baffled, but she shrugged it off. Her inventory contained a flamethrower and at least two toasters. Who was she to judge what other people choose to carry around?

"Ladies and Gentle-elementals!" Eddie nodded to the one fire elemental and two earth elementals who were their only audience. "May I introduce to you in the north corner, the miraculous MiaMyMio, a veteran of many battles, driving the Spinner and the Spiky2050. And in the south corner, the fabulous Flora, a veteran of many toasts, represented by Aitoshuri driving the Blade-Roller-Extreme, which is to my absolute astonishment, not a toaster!"

Flora clapped politely and commanded the hand-less elementals to bounce. Mia joined in, with the clapping and not the bouncing, of course.

"May the better pilot win! Fight!"

The two drones and one robot raced towards each other in a straight line. From the Blade-Roller's perspective, the Spinner was on the right and Spiky on the left.

Flora expected Aito to bounce on top of one of the drones like Aidan did. Indeed, she did jump but not towards her opponents but passing Spiky to its left.

At the same moment, the drone activated its pickax.

The flight path of the blade-roller intersected with the shaft of the ax and left a deep gash.

"First blood goes to Aito in the Blade-Roller! But the Spinner is hot on her wheels!"

The more cumbersome Spiky needed longer to curve around, but the nimble Spinner reversed gears and followed Aito backward.

The Blade-Roller turned toward it and was going cut into its unprotected back. But in the last moment, Mia hit the breaks hard, and the Spinner reared up, meeting one of the saw-blades with its own. Sparks flew, and the screeching sounds of metal on metal filled the arena.

"Mia's marvelous maneuver managed to destroy one of the appendages of the Blade-Roller, but her Spinner suffered some tears as well."

Flora looked at the missing disc with concern. "Should I heal you, sweety?"

"Beep Beep." Aito refused the offer but gave her the signal for another skill.

<Hurry Up>!

The Blade-Roller sped towards the Spiky2050. Flora wasn't sure, but the shaft from its pickax looked mostly repaired though she could still see some scratches.

Passing it a few times, Aito added more damage to the shaft.

Eventually, the ping for healing the blade-roller reached Flora.

<Grease with Life's blood>

The two drones ganged up on Aito while she darted between them. Sparks flew again.

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