2.34 SBAT - Party Role - Healer

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After sending the letter to Eddie, Flora opened the Legacy for the Tank Class.


Class: Tank

Branch: Meta

Passive: + 1 Training efficiency modifier for defensive skills

Active: - Tank up the Responsibility: Get 1% Aggro transferred from all non-tank party members.

STA: Marking Attack

Description: Marks the target with a target butt over the head. The aggro of actions against the target gets partly transferred to you.

CD: none

Duration: variable

AOE: Taunt Single/AoE

Description: Sets you at the top of the hate list of your target. If they don't attack you, their attributes will be reduced for 30 seconds.

CD: 25 sec

Duration: 10 secs

DEF: Protected by Responsibility

Description: (Channeled)Damage reduction in relation to the number of people who chose you as their tank and the number, RGS, and rating of the enemies you protect them from.

CD: none

MOV: Intercept

Description: Ports to an Ally to intercept an attack

CD: 25 sec

SIG: Under my Command!

Description: Transfers all the aggro the target is generating during the skill's duration to you.

CD: 5 min


"Very nice," Flora commented as she scanned the skills. "Unfortunately, nothing that helps us with the next challenge. Healer or Support. Do you have any suggestions, dears?"

"The simplest approach for you as an executive healer would be to leave the setup like it is and carefully use your scepters to heal the tank. Skills would generate too much aggro. Also possible is the other way around, link up healing turrets, and you act as a damage dealer."

"The second suggestion sounds less boring. With the DD skillset, I could generate a lot of aggro for the tank." Flora grinned, in her head solidified a plan.

The two boards showed Priest and Combat Medic, a technology-based healing class. Flora wasn't interested. She just grabbed an armor set with + 8 OV to Magical Power + 1 OV to healing spells, configured her nocks, and entered the next room.

16 Aito Octopussy

8 Aidan Octopussy

1 Repairing Turret

4 Healing Turrets

3 Weapons

As soon as the tank charged, Flora started casting.

<Access Leyline>

<Transfer AoE>

<Lightning Storm>

Flora cackled as Aito's arrows grew bigger and bigger.

Even with the four healing turrets, the tank received quite a bit of damage. The health bar over his head was only a bit over half full and shrinking.

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