90. Wrapping up the Hero's Entrance

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At the waterworks, the mayor was still waiting, surrounded by resting militia and the ten turrets.

"I finished the quest, and I've captured the culprit, Mayor." Flora dumped Bluthe to his feet. "I'm not sure about the intentions of the alchemist. Here is his diary."

Quest completed: Save Tsoville from Monsters

Rewards: Alchemistic Equipment, Reputation gain with the Ib Intercity Alliance and Tsoville, Recommendation in the IIAMP (Ib Intercity Alliance Mayor Portal)

Difficulty: B

Completion: S

"Thank you so much, Hero! You have the gratitude of the whole village, and I will write you a great review in the Ib Intercity Alliance portal. Unfortunately, it is the only thing we can offer you."

"No, problem. Thank you for the recommendation. It will go a long way toward my future goals. Besides, I looted quite a few nice things in the instance and the possessions of the alchemist. May I keep his equipment?"

"Of course. I'm sorry, I can't offer you more."

The militia people woke up from their conversation and joined in thanking Flora. The villagers said their goodbyes and Flora was ready to port back.

"Milady, you might want to conquer the normal mode of the dungeon when you are at it. The village is two hours away from the capital, so you would waste time if you want to go back."

"Good point, I like to bolster the clan ranking." Flora started another run, this time on normal mode.

Unfortunately, the heroic mode had disappeared. On the one hand, nobody could dethrone her, but on the other hand, she couldn't score in the 2-player and 3-player leaderboards. For the clan, it had only disadvantages because they couldn't fill up the leaderboards.

During the second dungeon run, she discussed the Hero's Entrance with her AIs.

On a technical level, Flora's need for a melee class was obvious and landed on the to-do list. However, the most glaring mistake had been that she went in the instance without enough information. Flora couldn't get over it and cursed her naivety.

Aitoshuri sent her a link to the forum, titled "Always combine the main quest with bonus quests." Aidan read it to her while Flora fried trashies.

The creator of the thread explained there was no need to complete the bonus portions before the main quests. He claimed you could save time by combining them, and all quests were structured this way.

"In this case, wrong. If we had finished the sewage clearing before the instance, we would had known about Bluthe's plan."

"Both the dungeon and the sewage were bonus quests, Milady. Aito had marked a reply, I'll read it to you."

>>>Well, it might be the case for most quests, but I noticed when you have several bonus quests, you better do them in the order they are listed.

The first time I skipped one and plunged in a world of trouble. Since then, I got two more, respected the succession, and had no problems.

As those quests are rare, it might be a coincidence. Love to hear your opinion on the topic.<<<

"Good find, Aito. We will respect the order of the bonus quests in the future as well. Aidan, leave a comment, agreeing with this contributor." Now that Flora knew of a method to avoid repeating the mistake, she felt better. Her mood rose again when more crafting materials wandered in her inventory. The quality had sunken compared to her former loot, which was only natural, because the rating of the opponents had fallen, too.

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