2.24 Planning

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Flora scurried through her lair like a bee on LSD.

"I need more training dummies in my new bedroom! Aidan, print one more! Haidan, put it in the thingy which transfers it to the bedroom... oh, we need a name for it... let's go with the Closet of Transference!"

"Yes, Milady."

"It should wield dual swords!"

"I assume you are referring to the dummy and not the Closet of Transference. I'll print a new one with swords, Milady."

"Do I need a new bed? Give me a list of the highest-rated beds. With Righteous Punch to supply mana, I feel physical regen might be our new bottleneck for training. Do you think my new bed should provide more reg, Aidan?"

"Yes, Milady."

"Aito, why do I see activity in your library container? Are you finished with all the research tasks I've assigned to you?"

*beep beep* Aito had the grace to sound guilty.

"No more reading for you until you are done or I'm relaxing in a Jacuzzi. Jacuzzi! Aidan! I can't believe I forgot to add a Jacuzzi to the bedroom. Can Jacuzzis have stats, too?"

"Yes, Milady. Because of the water and heat elemental influences, debuff clearing or physical reg buffs are available."

"Nice! Buy the best of the latter."

An hour later, Flora laid in her new Jacuzzi and watched the clouds passing by.

Aidan had bought a 10x10x10m community hub. Now, Flora had two options where to log into when she was in the simulation grounds, Deriga's workshop or her new bedroom. Technically she could also do scenarios, but that beamed her away from the simulation grounds, so she didn't count it.

The bedroom contained two layers of generators below a platform. Flora divided the platform into four areas, one for sleeping, one for bathing, one for training with the dummies, and one empty. In the middle, she erected a tower with healing and damaging turrets and a screen for watching videos.

You could configure the view from your hub as you wished, and Flora chose a mountain top.

"Today we have Tuesday One. That gives us around ten days until the competition. Let's make a list of what we need to accomplish until then. Speaking about lists, let's have a look at the to-do list first."

"A: Build a mech-suit with a self-destruct button (as soon as I have the Animator class)"

"Put getting Animator on the list Champion to-do list, Prio A, building the suit, Prio B. We have to get the missing classes as soon as possible so that we have enough time to level their skills."

"A: get a melee class."

"I already have Martial Artist and Martial Monk... Oh, dear. I would like to have a look at the elemental melee classes, but I don't think it has priority right now."

"You still have the quest "Take the Sweeping-Blow aptitude test", Milady. It might help you to discover useful classes for your build."

"We'll do it today."

"A: more toast."

"I wish..." Flora sighed. "Next."

"B: mana cultivation on auto-mode (lvl 25)"

"Change the Prio to C. Oh wait. I might be able to combine it with this Monk thingy where I get stamina when doing abilities." Flora logged to the Simulation Grounds and from there to Deriga's workshop. She sat on the floor and set Mana Cultivation on auto-mode and linked it to Ora Et Labora. Then she re-entered the bedroom. "My condolences, Aidan. Now you have five Flora-bodies to look over, one in my lair in a box, one in my workshop pummeling a dummy, one on the unholy cliff in a box, one in Deriga's workshop cultivating and one in the bedroom in the Jacuzzi. That is crazy."

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