2.74 Speed-Run - Elemental Challenge

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After Mia spent half an hour going over THE PLAN, the women ported to Zauberberg.

The dungeon Elemental Challenge was located in the cliff surrounding the city, just a few hundred meters from the Elemental Caverns. Like the caverns, the area connected to the city with a rickety rope bridge.

The dungeon's antechamber was a massive cave with the same confusing energies glimmering as the Caverns. It was packed with people to such a degree that Flora asked herself if somebody offered free toasts.

Mia cleaved a path through the crowd of mages, acting like the valiant knight she resembled. She had exchanged the Counterflow mech-suit with ivory plate armor and carried a long sword and shield. Because her Batticle didn't work in Zauberberg, she had to leave it behind and rely on her Sword-Master, Shield-Master, Warrior, and Markswomen class in the technology restricted area. Her signature grey hoodie poked out where the ivory didn't cover her, and a soft glow caused by her active boosts surrounded her. Flora and two Tollies followed her.

Because Flora hadn't wanted to waste any more time, she wore only her + 12 OV Magical Regeneration set and felt naked.

The densest crowd lingered around the loggy. Thankfully, Flora had enough reputation with Zauberberg that Aiden could pick up the instance's quest remotely. Mia had already done the weekly yesterday on her run with the Riverstones.

Weekly Quest: Elemental Conquest (Zauberberg)

Description: Slay the rogue Summoner Thirresi in the dungeon Elemental Conquest.

Bonus: Defeat Thirresi in the Heroic Mode.

Rewards: 500 Credits and Reputation with Zauberberg

Penalty: None

Rating: C

"Mia, Mia! Over here!" A girl in a pink and silver mech-suit bounced up and down, waving.

"We don't have to meet them," Mia whispered to Flora.

"Nonsense, let's say hello to your friend. How come she can wear a mech-suit?"

"Kitty added an insulation layer. I don't recommend it, one bad hit breaching it, and you are stuck in an inert metal cage." Mia said, paving the way.

"I heard that! However, the elementals have to catch me first!" Kitty laughed. Her mech-suit was a heavier model than Flora preferred, but still in the medium-category. Thick shoulder pads sat on a bulky body without any feminine shapes. Because Kitty had folded back the helmet, Flora could see her long black hair and pink eyes.

Name: Kitty McSmash

Level: 1

Class: Janitor

Clan: DragonDescendants - NewBlood

Rating: A (Global)

"What a nice mech-suit! And so good to see a fellow Janitor. Have you heard of the Church of Evailyn? We welcome all Janitors, Homemakers, and especially toaster enthusiasts." Flora said.

"Hello, Auntie and Mia. Nice to meet you again." A blond girl with a doll-like face next to Kitty said.

Flora hadn't noticed her before because the shiny mech-suit occupied 65% of her attention but remembered her vaguely from her PVP lessons.

Name: Poppy McLaughter

Level: 1

Class: Summoner

Clan: DragonDescendants - NewBlood

Rating: A (Global)

"Long time no see! Your Astral Vision spell served me well. Thanks a lot for teaching it to me." Flora beamed.

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