32. Preparations

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"What happens when I reach level 100 in a skill?"

"Level 100 is another milestone; its name is "third wind", Milady. You got an achievement for it while sleeping. It increased your affinity + 1 OV."

"Please explain this milestone topic again, Aidan."

"The first milestone is when an attribute, affinity, skill, or ability reaches level 25. Its called 'First Improvement' and increases the LV of attributes and the OV of the rest by 10%."


"The second milestone is called 'Second Luck' and gives you a lucky chance of 20% to double an effect. For example, your regeneration ticks 20% of the time for the double value."

"Lovely, I can imagine the effects on a spell and some attributes like resistance. But what about abilities like free-running or mechanics or attributes like dexterity? "

"In free-running, it could be a sudden burst of speed. I'm sure that while you ground XP, there was more than a bit of luck involved. In crafting the rating of your work will rise."

Flora nodded.

"The third milestone is called 'Third wind'. When a pool value is depleted, and only 30% of its value remains, then the effectivity of the attribute is related to increases by 30% or even triples.

Resistances and Affinities get stronger when your health-pool is low. Concerning the other stats, 'Third wind' is related to the target of the spell or ability. A healing skill heals three times more when the target's health is below 30% some spells do 30% more damage, and some triple the damage."

"Wow, that's harsh. Now I understand why stats are so important."

"I read a guide that dissuaded from training mana-skills too soon above level 100 because the game gets too easy in the Tranches, that's the level 5-100 server, and the player isn't primed to play the Level 100+ worlds where the mobs have level 100 skills."

"Hmm. I don't believe in 'too easy'. Let's raise Refresh above level 100 because three times more regeneration would help immensely with training and in survival situations. Warn me when another skill hits level 90, and we think about what to do then."

"'Forth cross' is the name of the next milestone. When an attribute hits the 200-mark, it gains 40% of corresponding attributes level value as modded LV and gives 40% of its value as MLV to it. For example, if physical power reaches 200, it gets 40% of your magical power and raises it by 80 LV."

To Flora, that sounded like a lot! Only her physical regeneration had an LV above 80, and to get that many points for free was amazing!

"It is unknown what happens with affinities after at forth cross. Nobody divulged it in the bulletin boards. Skills gain a special-effect 40% of the time, and abilities gain magical components."

"Hmm, that could be useful or not. A bit too random for my taste. How can I imagine magical mechanics?"

"Mechanics might be a wrong example for you. If I didn't have access to your logs, I would have thought you already have 200 mechanics. Free running might be a better example. At 200, You can make jumps with 40% of the effect of your Power-Jump spell with paying a fraction of the mana or no mana at all. I believe Power-Jump is one of the skills integrating without using mana. I read conflictive comments."

"Nice! That means it would bring my mechanics to the next level when I know all the spells of the book '1000 household spells."

"The next milestone is at 250. You can only level an affinity, skill, or ability to 250 if you fulfill some criteria or test. The milestone 'Ascencion' changes the calculation of the OV.

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