82. Doom Moon Four - Engines

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After Eddie left, Flora didn't know what to do.

Robby had called her, but he was in a hurry. It might be because of the job or because Flora and Eddie were naked during the video chat. He had covered both eyes with his hand and kept the conversation short.

In her mind, the duel-thingy had occupied the whole Sunday one. In the evening, they had planned to celebrate with a banquet. Robby had postponed to tomorrow because of the big job. The Riverstones carried a bunch of company executives through the instance Mia had found.

Nothing hindered Flora from doing her Hero's Entrance now. She was concerned about Deriga. The sooner she would visit Evailyn's temple, the sooner she could investigate why the novice had yet to return.

On the other hand, she could do a few more of the recommended scenarios before it. Sharpening the ax never increases the woodworking time.

Or save Jake and the Doom Moon. She had delayed the Doom Moon for too long. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to conclude the scenario before she concentrated on the Cradle.

"We are going to save the Doom Moon!"

Flora was still affected by the duel. She winced when hearing sudden noises, and her senses were on hyper-alert. Therefore she first settled the dailies and martial arts and then took a nap.

It worked wonders. Her mind cleared up. Now, she could process the technical aspects of the duel.

The turrets were fine, but she never had time to activate their skill Rapid Fire. They only produced around 17 damage every 2 seconds; Rapid Fire would quadruple this amount.

After she messed with the software without satisfying results, she gave up and bought an S-rated software suit.

"Aidan, remind me not to skimp on equipment."

She added a mana-battery to all the turrets, a prerequisite for casting skills. Several times, she mixed up which type of turret she was working on, so she color-coded them, dark green for healing with Rapid Fire, light green for healing with Healing Cloud, and dark red for laser with Rapid Fire.

This time she started the scenario from the simulation grounds. She wanted to find out how the inventory worked.

The list of spells she could use during the scenario had grown considerably: All kinetic, ice, metal and lightning mage spells, technomancer skills, and almost all skills from the technology branch.

Flora kept the dinner-scene short but enjoyed seeing the blockhead Jake and his cute daughter again.

Before she met the forewoman, Elma Phen, she took out the octopussy.

Magical Regeneration: 32 OV

Mechanics: 29 OV

Electronics: 27 OV

Smithing: 19 OV

"Impressive stats. Have you worked on turrets before?"

"Yes, but I would like to work on the engines."

"Oh well, you definitely qualify. How about you do a good job on the generators, and I might advance you."

The octopussy got a datapad and multitool, as well. Flora regretted not bringing out a few more robots.

When she met Clyde again, she hugged him and couldn't let go. Of course, she was glad to meet Handy and Forky, too, but experiencing the Icemaster halve the little R2D2-Knockoff had left a mark on her heart.

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