2.30 SBAT - Party Role - Ranged DD

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Flora finished the weapon talent assessment with + 1 OV in all three foci and the combat tool. After she figured out the right mixture of speed and accuracy at the intent focus trial and that she would get bonus points for using two weapons at once, the other magical weapons were easy.

The fairy led her to the next test, the Party Role Assessment.

The room wasn't much bigger than one of Flora's boxes. Five portals and the exit lined the walls.


Party Role Assessment

Choose the portal to experience the party role. Follow the party leader's orders.

1. Group Fight

2. Boss Fight

3. Assessment for receiving the Legacy Class

Use your own skills or the skills I will provide.

Use your own equipment or the equipment I will provide.

You may skip or repeat any phase or portal.


"What's a Legacy Class?"

"Via a legacy, you get the class and all its skills without doing any learning, usually by opening a scroll, Milady. The Analyst Class Robby gave you was a legacy. In this case, each of the three main party roles has a class. You have to prove that you are mildly proficient in the execution of the position to receive the class. The assessment is very easy, Milady." Aidan said. "By the way, clan Riverstones requires of its squad members that they have two party role classes."

"We will get all! Let's start with the easiest." Flora inspected the signboards above the portals: Tank, Ranged DD, Melee DD, Healer, Support. "Which is the easiest?"

"Opinions differ, Milady. However, a majority thinks Ranged DD."

Flora nodded and went through the portal. She landed in an antechamber with weapon and equipment racks and two domineering boards.


Temporary class: Arcane Mage

Branch: Magic

Passive: + 1 Training efficiency modifier for arcane spells

Active: No Magical Regeneration Penalty in Combat

STA: Magic Missiles

AOE: Arcane Rain

DEF: Magic Shield

MOV: Blink

SIG: Arcane Spring

Taught by the Halls of Magic, Zauberberg and Branch Talpica

Touch the board to receive the class temporarily for undertaking the test. Activate the skills by saying the name or mentally pressing the corresponding button in your HUD.


"Look at the Active, Aidan! That means I have full mana reg even in combat, right? I need the class for the active bonus alone. Aito, find out whether a class with the corresponding physical reg bonus exists."

Flora concentrated on the skills to get more information. The first three were the usual Bolt, Rain and Shield spells she knew from the elemental mage classes. Blink was a short-range teleportation skill but shared cooldown with the 7-Mile Step. Only when reading the last one, Arcane Spring, Flora's eyebrows rose.

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