43. Doom Moon 3 - Conclusion

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"Never! We'll die together!" Esau shouted and buckled under Jake.

A wave of cold energy threw Flora, Jake, and the robots back.

Esau sprang up and sprinted towards Flora.

<Magical Push>!

He flew directly in front of Jake's feet, who knocked him over the head with his multitool.

Before the question 'Why doesn't Jake use his plasma sword?' finished forming in Flora's head, Esau came up with it in his hand.

Jake had lost his sword!

Instead of aiming for Jake, Esau whirled around and sprang over Flora. At the last moment, Flora ducked, causing his foot to miss her head. Still, the icy aura affected her.

Cold: 2 x Reduced speed. Time remaining: 10 sec.

Noticeably slowed down, Flora turned around to face him.

Meanwhile, Esau landed two hits on her, not only impeding her further but also chipping off huge chunks of her health. She only had 2/3 of her pool left!

Without the effects of Energy-Storm, the superior agility of the goblinesque young man showed.

Despite struggling to comprehend the changes in the combat situation, Flora managed to lash out with both of her swords.

Though she dodged Esau's next swing partly, it still left another icy gash in her uniform.

Light Chill: 1 x Reduced speed. Time remaining: 10 sec.

"Milady, cast Force-Field! You can't sustain the damage!"


Of course, Flora felt her wounds, but it was less painful than her age-related ailments in real-life. The movement restriction caused by the Cold- and now Light Chill-debuff bothered her more. The experience resembled being underwater, fighting against the resistance of the liquid.

Esau's slash arrived a second after the shield took form and bounced off it.

Pressing her advantage, Flora aimed for his unprotected left arm. With astonishing speed, he flipped over one of her swords. Immediately, she corrected the path of the second, and it went through his torso, leaving a burn mark on his armor.

Trusting in her shield, she ignored his next move and lashed out.

Unfortunately, her confidence was misplaced. The shield burst, and Esau's blade found its way into her stomach while her swords crossed his neck.

Panicking, she cast Refresh.

You are currently in a scenario with restricted skills. You can't use Refresh.

'Right! Stupid! But I need health.'

She tried to fetch a potion.

You are currently in a fight. You can't access your inventory in combat.

The system-messages and her inventory hindered her view. Thus she misjudged Esau's next strike and earned an icy laceration on her shoulder.

'Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! I need thinking time! And space!'

At last, Jake reached them, swinging his multitool and giving Flora a tiny respite.

Her HUD showed Magical Push, Force-Field, and Kinetic Shield on cooldown.

'I didn't even know that Magical Push had a Cooldown! Why Kinetic Shield? I haven't used it! Don't get distracted! Move!'


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