59. Project Four-Hands

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Flora sat to Eddie's right and left of the Headmaster. Because the library container was further to her right, Aitoshuri had a perfect path to the back of the Headmaster's head.

"Nothing better than the feeling of wind on your face while smelling the salty freedom of the sea!" Doge and Eddie still discussed sailing. "I have to show you the Irisdia Funnel on the Waterworld. It's sailing on the cutting edge!"

Of course, Aito scanned the book first. Flora forced herself to look away, not to draw attention to the container.

Flowing Flowers to Aidan: "You are still recording, right?"

"Yes, Milady. I just checked to make sure. The file is non-readable, though."

"Oh, those crafty administrators. Probably because they want to make sure that nothing concrete can leak, but it's still a malfunction. Therefore create an error ticket. Let's see how they react to errors they implemented on purpose."

Finally, a satisfying thud followed a short sound of flattering pages. Three heads turned to look at the fuming victim.

"I protest the assault!" The Headmaster snarled.

Flora telekinetically fetched the book and put it on the table for everyone to see the cover. It showed an old guy bent over a desk with a perky blond girl carrying an oversized ruler behind him and the title 'Turning the tables on the Headmaster. School of Spanking 4. By Horn Y. Whiter.' printed in bold letters on the top.

Doge laughed gaily, and Eddie waggled his eyebrows at her, but Flora could only smirk tiredly. She was sure this bit of childish comic relief would bite her in the ass.

"If you are done with juvenile stunts and endless small talk, please proceed. I don't have time for this."

"Well, well, old mate. No need to hurry. We are all friends here." The Doge said placatory.

"I have an appointment, too. Just spill why there is an AI of me, and we can talk about it." Flora committed the number one error of negotiation admitting that time was an issue, but she couldn't help it. Her patience and emotional capacity were at their limits. She needed a nap, a nice soak in the jacuzzi, some cheesy toasts, and a cute robot fight, preferably all at once.

"We are working on a new product for our customers with the codename Project Four-Hands. On release, the users can buy themselves as AI's! Just imagine ... " The Doge droned on and did a marketing spiel, but Flora lost concentration.

"That's it? But why did the AI appear in my simulation grounds?"

"A simple programming error. The algorithm automatically chooses the highest-graded AI stand-in for the user. Because you are in the brainwave scan project and therefore in project Four-Hands, your personal AI got selected."

"I didn't give you permission to create an AI of me!"

The Doge projected the contract and highlighted the line where Flora consented that CentralTank built a model of her mind.

"You see, you did."

"Come on, that won't go through a court. A model can be anything, from three circles and two arrows to a sophisticated simulation, but an AI replica exceeds the terminology."

The Doge argued, and Flora did meditation exercises. At the next pause in his speech flow, she interjected: "Forget about it. All I want is a contract amendment that my AI isn't forced to do things against its conscience, and you are not allowed to torture her or sell her."

He continued to discuss the topic, but Flora's eyelids became heavy, and his droning voice put her to sleep.

"Flora. Flora!" Eddie shook her gently. "Wake up. They are gone."

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