2.26 SBAT - Attributes

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The tiny fairy brought Flora via another rollercoaster elevator to the next dome.

"You'll find the exercises for the primary attribute in there. The test measures how much fun and skill you show when acting out the essence of an attribute." Friedhilde chirped.

"Sounds intriguing," Flora said, her head cinema working overtime imagining the activities. "May I do it in time dilation? I have a lot of tests on my schedule."

The fairy swished her arms through the air, configuring invisible screens, and then flashed Flora a thumbs-up.

When Flora entered the dome, only a grey concrete arena awaited her. Her mech-suit, as well as the octopussies, had vanished. Instead, she wore a blue catsuit with the clan Riverstones logo.


Test: Attribute Attunement

Description: Choose an attribute and try out the suggested activities. Every exercise has a grey mannequin-routine to demonstrate the event. Red-colored mannequin-routines impart temporary skills necessary to complete the activity.

You have five minutes to enjoy yourself. During the time, the relevant attribute is set to level 250. You can always skip to the next attribute or request bonus time.

With what attribute would you like to start?


"Are you alright, dears?" Flora asked her AI's.

"Yes, Milady. Although, I lost my connection to the octopussy."


"Dear test, we'll do the attributes in the order listed in the stats tab."


Physical Power Exercises


The room rumbled, and a carnival appeared around Flora. A red and yellow striped tent with a "THE WORLDS STRONGEST PERSON" sign stood next to a high striker and a machine with a punching bag. As promised, each attraction included a pedestal with a grey miniature, the Kin-Route.

Power shot through Flora. Her body felt lighter, and she just knew that she was now able to lift boulders. A glance on her stats showed that her Strength OV had risen to 71.

"Holy Toaster! What happened to the sucky OV calculation? I would have never thought that 160 levels more would get me 40 more OV!"

"Level 249 would be only 54 OV. The fifth milestone, Ascension, is the reason for the increase. At level 250, the calculation of the OV changes."

"Alright. That does decide it. We have to get all the important attributes to 250. Let's not waste time and test out my new premium body." Flora took a step towards the high-striker and promptly stumbled. "Wow, take it easy old girl. Some additional horses hide their power under your skin."

Flora only needed a few steps to get used to her new power. Wearing different mech-suits helped her acclimate to different bodily conditions.

When she touched the miniature of the high-striker, her mind was sucked into the routine. The body she inhabited was taller and bulkier than her. It took up a sledgehammer and smashed it on a block connected to a scale. A dial shot up the scale and hit the bell.

"Can do!" Flora eagerly took up the massive hammer. It felt light−maybe because of her newfound strength, or maybe it would be too easy to use a real sledgehammer for the game, so they created a dummy for show.

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