47. It's a Trap

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Flora stared at the pink cupcake-shaped building 'Homemaker's Haven'.

It even had shimmering sprinkles on its creamy white roof and a cherry on the top!

"I think it's a trap!" Flora stated.

An affirmative beep sounded in Flora's mind.

"Is that you, Aitoshuri?"

It beeped again.

"Stupid logical fallacy! If one beep means no, it makes the same sense as if one beep means yes!"

It beeped again.

"What do you think, Aidan?"

"I believe Aitoshuri agrees with you. But I'm sorry, I don't see it. Humans perceive cupcakes as delicious, aren't they?"

"In Germany, there are many fairytales where innocent maidens get enticed by eatable houses only to get eaten by witches at the end, like Hansel and Gretel, or the land of milk and honey. I don't remember Charly and the chocolate factory that much, but it wasn't entirely safe."

"No comments in the bulletin boards hint any nefarious activities."

"We'll beam to the Hunting Lodge first and get Detect Traps."

The Hunting Lodge turned out to be a cozy compound in the woods. Log cabins surrounded a central place, with a wooden fence encircling them and an archery field.

Flora found the check-in and swiped her badge.

Daily Quest: Skinning (Hunting Lodge)

Description: Help Skinner Darkly skin ten animals.

Rewards: Reputation with the Hunting Lodge

Penalty: none

Difficulty: D

Weekly Quest: Mammoth-Hunt

Description: Participate in one mammoth hunt, starting daily at 11 P.M. and 11 A.M. C.C.T.

Rewards: Reputation with the Hunting Lodge

Penalty: none

Difficulty: C

Flora thought about the dead kingators that lurked somewhere in her inventory and accepted the first quest.

"This game is horrible. You never run out things to do."

Swiftly, she found a workshop for the class "Trapper" that taught everything on her list. It started in a quarter-hour, so she visited the skinning teacher in the meantime.


You gained an ability: Salvaging (Animals).


The skinning knife in Flora's hand shook.

'Get a grip on yourself! If you want to eat it, you should be able to cook it. If you want to cook it, you should be able to prepare it. If you want to prepare it, you should be able to kill it. Because without this step, it never ends in your stomach!'

But the bunny was so cute! It was a creamy beige and had a little unicorn horn protruding from his head.

Its lifelessness felt wrong. The bunny should hop over a meadow and enjoying the sun with its friends!

Flora put the knife down.


"If you switch to half auto-mode, there is an option to make helplines appear where the cuts should be, Milady. Another possibility is to build a robot or use the octopus to skin the rabbit."

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