2.80 Last-Minute Grab for Goodies

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When Flora woke up Saturday morning, Aidan greeted her with a system message.


Your leveling grace period will expire in 12 h. If you haven't leveled up by then, the Training Time Suppression will activate, and all your stat levels might fall.

Time remaining: 11:45:11


"Please walk me through this again. I know you said it would be better to level up before the time runs out. Is this still true?"

"Yes, Milady. If you don't level up now, your stats at level one will shrink with every week. If you raise your player level to level two before the time runs up, your stats at level 1 will never sink below the stats you have at this moment."

"When I level up, can I use new skills or abilities? I still haven't obtained the debuff remover skills and the Elemental Master class. Please show me my to-do list for the competition."

Priority: Description -> Status

A: Animator -> Check

A: Remote Arms Class -> Open

A: Elemental Master Class -> Open

A: Meditation Chamber -> Check

A: Food, Potions and other temporary buffs -> Check

A: Equipment for the entourage -> Check

B: Skills to learn: Bolster Immune System, Flush Out -> Open

B: Build the Animator mech-suit -> Check

B: Achievements for attribute OV -> On Going

C: Build an effective Healing-Repairing Turret -> Discarded

C: Control nitro mech-suit -> Check

D: Summoner Class -> Check

"You can use every new tier 1 skill or ability if you are in a level 1 zone. However, not only will the TTS lower its level, but it also depends on which level you leveled it, Milady. By the way, Ponda Pottom has finally sent over the diagram for Bolster Immune System. So you may learn it now."

"The sentence contained too many "level"... It's five o'clock in the morning, Aidan. Be nice and try again, with more examples, please."

"Let's say you would raise your player level to 2 now. Then you learn Flush Out and train it in a level 2 zone like Marino up to level 10. If you visit Zauberberg, a level 1 area, you would only have the skill at level 4. If you train Flush Out in Zauberberg to level 7, you will have it at level 10 in Marino. That is the reason why level 1 areas are highly contested, and most training areas are level 1 zones."

"Okay, I don't understand the numbers. Can I summarize it as such: training in level 1 zones is better for new skills?"

"Yes, Milady. It's better for old skills and abilities as well. If you pile up more training experience than the TTS substracts, your stats will rise. That is likely to happen after a few years of playing or training in level 1 zones, provided that CentralTank doesn't change the TTS cap. If you find another overpowered training method like the cascading boxes, you might even be able to out-level the TTS malus."

"Let's not count on that." Flora drawled. "What would be the advantages of staying level 1?"

"You haven't maxed out your bonus OV points. If you are level 2 and get them in a level 1 zone, it doesn't matter. However, if you acquire them in a level 2 zone, they won't count for level 1. Additionally, there are some achievements you will only get at level 1."

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