2.8 Building a Training Facility - Affinities and Abilities

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"AHHH! It hurts!" Eddie appeared screaming in the workshop.

"Tone it down! I'm working." Flora admonished him, fixing the model of the training hut. She had dented a beam surprised by Eddie's ruckus−even though it was the third dramatic entry in a row. The round hut contained two floors, the second floor didn't connect to the outer wall, but was a mezzanine. On its outer edge, the dexterity path was located. People had an inherent fear of falling, so a drop to the ground floor should encourage them to do well. Three thin parallel beams, with enough distance between them to trip and maybe even fall through, formed a path around the mezzanine level. Flora decided she didn't need to do a good job smoothing the balancing beam. The added difficulty would spice up the training.

"There are no mistakes in art, just happy accidents." She quoted Bob Ross to herself.

"Heartless! I'm risking my health and sanity for you!" Eddie applied his best puppy eyes on her, but she ignored him.

"For the clan, dear," Flora corrected him absentmindedly while she hung morning stars from the ceiling above the balancing parkour. Just running in circles was boring, a bit of dodging, and getting your head smashed, would invigorate the trainees –or kill them−maybe both. "I'm thankful that you are testing the training equipment."

"Flora, love, believe me, I'm not exaggerating. Your training box is excruciating, even in the lowest pain setting. Fire and Ice don't go well together. Alright, I adore nice a flambéed sundae. However, I don't like my skin roasted and then iced."

"I already fixed that. Now, it's fire and water—a bit of heat, then a refreshing shower. And a great idea to rebrand the training coffin as 'box'... that sounds so much more survivable." Flora stuffed every open space with training boxes. Then she removed some because to enter the box, you had to be able to open the door.

"Hostile water means acid. Acid burns, fire burns, I failed to sense any refreshment."

"Good point! I'm proud of you. You are a wonderful product tester." Finally, Flora stopped working and looked Eddie in the eyes. "We have to find a solution to escape the pain. We need a retreat, like my workshop, that everybody can do things they enjoy, while their body suffers through the training. Not everybody has a workshop or even nocks to connect to one. Can you research what other virtual subspaces there are?"

" I hope something with an ocean is available." Eddie sat down on a nearby workbench and read invisible text, while Flora immersed herself into the model, but soon the next interruption followed.

"Milady, HoneyStream Land sent the list with desired affinities and abilities."

"Great, hit me."

"I wouldn't dare, Milady!" (1)

"You have no issues with electroshocking me, and operating machines that leave Eddie screaming, but at hitting you draw the line?" Flora chuckled. "I just meant, read the list to me, dear. No need for boxing gloves."

"Ordered by priority from highest to lowest:


1. Faith

2. Wood

3. Light

4. Projection

5. Magical Body Control

6. Fire

7. Mind

8. Water

9. Psychokinesis

10. Tempering"

"Interesting, I believe I don't have some of them. What are they good for?"

"Illusion skills use Projection affinity. Stealth is the most popular one. Hallucination or mind control skills use Mind affinity. The most popular one is Fear."

Auntie toasts the VRMMORPGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें